Cannot pass class as parameter to command


I'm new to programming and I have my pass class that I created with difficulty <Window.Resources>as XAMLa parameter to a command.

      <local:RegisterWindowViewModel x:Key="RegViewModel"/>
      <local:RegisterValidationConverter x:Key="RegValid"/>
      <local:UsersViewModel x:Key="UVM"/>

This is the button with the command binding

    <Button Name="signupButton" DataContext="{StaticResource UVM}"
            Height="50" Width="150" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2" 
            FontSize="20" FontWeight="SemiBold"
            Style="{StaticResource AccentedSquareButtonStyle}"
            Command="{Binding GetRegisterItemCommand}"
            CommandParameter="{Binding RegViewModel}">
        Sign Up

I don't think this code CommandParameter="{Binding RegViewModel}"is correct, but I just don't know how to replace it...

So I get an object instead of nullmine in the command function . The function itself is ok; I've tested it a lot TextBox, e.g. trying to pass another object( ) and it works fine.

I just don't understand the syntax.

Is it even possible to pass the class created in the resource?

I will be very grateful for your help.

ice thorn

The way you are trying to use shows that it can find RegViewModelthe current one DataContext.

To point to your viewmodel itself, lets say the source of the binding is your binding RegViewmodelwith the following changes. In this case the full amount RegViewModelwill be passed toCommandParameter

CommandParameter="{Binding Source={StaticResource RegViewModel}}"


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