How can I make HTML anchor tags thicker on hover without using CSS and only change the inline styles?

Ahmet Skc

I'm trying to make the following anchor tags look bolder on hover without using any external or embedded CSS files, is it possible to make them look bolder by applying inline styles?

<a href=""  target="_blank" ">Internet of things<br></a>
<a href=""  target="_blank">M2M<br></a>
<a href=""  target="_blank">Mesh Network<br></a>
<a href=""  target="_blank">Telemetry<br></a>
<a href=""  target="_blank">WSN</a>
Reuven Karasik

Inline CSS can't do this. You have to use normal <style>tabs or a separate sheet:

a {
    font-weight: normal;

a:hover {
    font-weight: bold;

I highly recommend trying to do it with CSS, but if you have to do it with JS, here are the solutions:

<a href="" onmouseover="'bold'" onmouseout="'normal'" target="_blank" ">Internet of things<br></a>

Here is a fiddle:


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