How to replace anchor tag text using C#?


I am trying to replace anchor tag value using regex

Regex.Match(link, @"<a [^>]*>(.*?)</a>").Groups[1].Value.ToString();This gives me the anchor tag text.

I tried using "Regex.replace" but I can't replace the exact text.


var link="<a href="">Sample text </a>";
           var requiredText="new Text";         
           Regex.Replace(link,"<a [^>]*>(.*?)</a>",requiredText);

Please help me to solve this problem.

I'm here to thank you in advance for your help

the fourth bird

You are capturing what is in the group.

What you might do is capture what's on the left and right in the group, and use these 2 capture groups $1and $2replace:

var link=@"<a href="">Sample text </a>";
var requiredText="$1new Text$2";
link = Regex.Replace(link,"(<a [^>]*>).*?(</a>)",requiredText);
// <a href=">new Text</a>

Check out the C# demo

The regular expression will match:

  • (<a [^>]*>)capture group 1
  • .*?Match any character 0+ times
  • (</a>)capture group 2


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