How to click on anchor tag in c# using gecko browser engine


I am trying to click on a link that contains the text "Next". I have tried the following code in c# using the gecko web browser engine:

Gecko.DOM.GeckoLinkElement next = new Gecko.DOM.GeckoLinkElement(geckoWebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByClassName("single-prev-next")[0].LastChild.DomObject);


Here is the HTML of the website:

<div class="single-prev-next" style="float:right">
<span class="picture-of">Photo 3 of 8 </span>
<div id="prevre">
<a href="">Next</a>

That simply doesn't work.


First, why not simply navigate to the linked value? IEbrowser.Navigate("");

I don't think this will make any difference to your page code example and will be faster and easier.

But if you need to click..., that's not the way to do it - in fact, you're not actually creating a new Link element. So something

GeckoAnchorElement link =   (GeckoAnchorElement)browser.Document.GetElementsByClassName("single-prev-next")[0].LastChild;


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