Vagrant: How to sync folders from guest back to host?


Why, because it is difficult to work and edit the code through the legacy editor in the guest. The whole point of vagrant is to make it easier for developers, right :)?

So please can someone guide me in this case:

  • Need to work on a project. This is the git repo. Requires mysql, php, etc.
  • VM is great (provided)
  • However, editing files in this repository via ssh and "legacy" editors is not easy. Want to use your favorite IDE.

in the VM repository /home/vagrant/src. I want it to be visible/editable ../srcin the host .

I read the documentation and put this in Vagranfile:

config.vm.synced_folder '../src', '/home/vagrant/src'

This "works" except that it will overwrite all content from /home/vagrant/srcand those from ../srcwhich are empty.

Any workaround? I considered the possibility of cloning the repository via git (publicly available via github) and syncing the folder to the VM, but that doesn't feel right, and also loses the production configuration.


Mine Vagrantfilelooks like this:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "bento/ubuntu-16.04" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080 :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 10170, id: "ssh"
  config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
  config.vm.synced_folder "./", "/var/beeGame"

As you can see, my statement is the same as yours! Here is my repo (you can try it like an example) and it worked for me! I use PhpStorm to open this repository and edit the files and all updates automatically and sync from the host (laptop) to the guest (virtual).

In your case , you're doing everything right, and vagrant has to overwrite all the content /home/vagrant/srcwith those from ../src. This is correct behavior! ! ! You need to put your code in srca directory on the host machine (laptop), not on the guest machine (virtual machine)!


Vagrant: How to sync folders from guest back to host?

kakat Why, because it is difficult to work and edit the code through the legacy editor in the guest. The whole point of vagrant is to make it easier for developers, right :)? So please can someone guide me in this case: Need to work on a project. This is the g

Vagrant: How to sync folders from guest back to host?

kakat Why, because it is difficult to work and edit the code through the legacy editor in the guest. The whole point of vagrant is to make it easier for developers, right :)? So please can someone guide me in this case: Need to work on a project. This is the g

Vagrant: How to sync folders from guest back to host?

kakat Why, because it is difficult to work and edit the code through the legacy editor in the guest. The whole point of vagrant is to make it easier for developers, right :)? So please can someone guide me in this case: Need to work on a project. This is the g

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