Angular toggle variable in ng-click doesn't work


I have a table that lists customers, and for customers that also have a list of customers, the user can click on the table row to display that list. HTML looks like this:

        <tbody ng-repeat ="item in customers | clientSettingsFilter:customerId">
            <tr ng-class="{'row-hover': item.clientSettings.length>0}" ng-click="item.showClients=!item.showClients">
                <td><span ng-class="{true:'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down', false:'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'}[item.showClients]"  ng-hide="item.clientSettings.length==0"></span></td>
                <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" ng-click="go('/client-config/defaults/'">Defaults</button></td>
            <tr ng-show="item.showClients">
                 ..... // client data

My weird behavior is this:

If I don't define the 'showClients' property in the customers dataset, everything works as expected, but the chevron icon is not displayed at first. After one click, it shows up and the toggle works as expected. I thought it might be because ng-class is looking for true or false, and undefined doesn't satisfy both.

If I predefine the showClients property to true or false, the chevrons are displayed correctly on page load and the client list is displayed correctly, but the toggle doesn't work anymore, like ng-click doesn't do anything or fails for some reason Change the value. I'm not sure how to debug inline directives like this.


As requested, here is the relevant event code from the controller:

filter('clientSettingsFilter', function () {
    return function (customers, customerId) {
        var filtered = [];

        if (!customerId)
            return filtered;

        customerId = customerId.toLowerCase();

        angular.forEach(customers, function (item) {
            if ( !== -1) {

                // format some text properties, omitted for brevity

                // if this line is uncommented, the ng-click does not work
                //item.showClients = false;

        return filtered;
paw CAT

The condition you are using ng-classwill only add something if the value is trueor and nothing if the value falseis undefined.

Instead use the more verbose ternary operator:

ng-class="item.showClients ? 'glyphicon-chevron-down' : 'glyphicon-chevron-right'"

It's better to move the class glyphiconto a normal classproperty:


Demo : _ p = preview

item.showClients = false;The behavior you are seeing when uncommented in the filter is due to how the digest loop works.

If it item.showClientsis false, and then clicked, trthe following happens (somewhat simplified):

  1. The expression in ng-clickwill execute, set item.showClientstotrue
  2. The digest cycle will begin
  3. The filter will run and set again item.showClientstofalse

Filters are used for filtering, not for modification.

Also note that using a filter with a ng-repeatdigest filter triggers every digest loop, and since each digest loop consists of multiple digest loops (at least two digest loops), it's important to keep the filter simple, otherwise They will have a bad effect on performance.


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Himanshu N Tatariya I am using Angular js from one of my projects and calling the "ng-click" function as follows <a ng-click="logout'{{x.ParentEntityId['#text']}}')" target="_blank">{{x.Title["#text"]}}</a> In "x.ParentEntityId['#text']" the value is "7560183

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freddy83 I have code similar to the following code to trigger events in an clickAngular app . Why doesn't the event fire? var app = angular.module("myApp", []) app.directive('myTop',function($compile) { return { restrict: 'E', template: '<div></div>',

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username I'm trying to fire a click event when a cell in ui-grid is clicked but ng-click is not working. Also ng-class doesn't work, I can't get width: "*" works fine. Does anyone know any accurate documentation for angular-ui-grid ? I am using angular v 1.5.1

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Shiva Since I'm very new to angular js, I'm trying to develop small applications, but I'm stuck because ng-click is not working. please help. Thanks in advance. Here is my code: HTML file: <html ng-app="MyApp"> <head> <title>Angular Demo App</title>

Angular-js: ng-click doesn't work

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