ng-click doesn't work in angular-ui-grid


I'm trying to fire a click event when a cell in ui-grid is clicked but ng-click is not working. Also ng-class doesn't work, I can't get width: "*" works fine. Does anyone know any accurate documentation for angular-ui-grid ? I am using angular v 1.5.11 and angular-ui-grid v 4.2.3. It seems that half of the functionality of ui-grid is not working and the documentation doesn't seem to explain why.

{ name: 'Number of Vendor Parts', field: 'xrefCount', enableFiltering: false,
      cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{inactive: === \'N\'}" ' +
                         'ng-click="grid.appScope.showCrossReference()">' +
                      '<a>{{ row.entity.xrefCount }}</a>' +

Look at this dwarf . I think your problem is that you are not adding the controller after grid.appScope . If you declare your controller like this:

ng-controller="MainCtrl as main"

The expression for ng-click should look like this:

grid.appScope.main.showCrossReference(grid, row)

Note that you can pass the grid and the row of the button clicked to the function.

As you can see in ng-class 's plugin, I use a function that returns the name of the css class with the row parameter .


ng-click doesn't work in angular-ui-grid

username I'm trying to fire a click event when a cell in ui-grid is clicked but ng-click is not working. Also ng-class doesn't work, I can't get width: "*" works fine. Does anyone know any accurate documentation for angular-ui-grid ? I am using angular v 1.5.1

ng-click doesn't work in angular-ui-grid

username I'm trying to fire a click event when a cell in ui-grid is clicked but ng-click is not working. Also ng-class doesn't work, I can't get width: "*" works fine. Does anyone know any accurate documentation for angular-ui-grid ? I am using angular v 1.5.1

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shadowhunter_077 Here is my code: for (var i = 0; i < gridData.length; i++) { var currentData = gridData $.each(currentData, function(key, value) { if (!angular.isFunction(value)) { $scope.columnDefs.push({ name : ke

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shadowhunter_077 Here is my code: for (var i = 0; i < gridData.length; i++) { var currentData = gridData $.each(currentData, function(key, value) { if (!angular.isFunction(value)) { $scope.columnDefs.push({ name : ke

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shadowhunter_077 Here is my code: for (var i = 0; i < gridData.length; i++) { var currentData = gridData $.each(currentData, function(key, value) { if (!angular.isFunction(value)) { $scope.columnDefs.push({ name : ke

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