ng-click="tab=$index" doesn't work in angular


I have this in my app:

<li ng-repeat="name in tabs track by $index" ng-class="{selected: tab==$index}" ng-click="tab = $index">{{name}}</li>

and it doesn't work, when i click on the item the selected class is enabled (every li clicked has the class, clicking on other li doesn't remove it) and the tab is not updated, when i use this option it will work:

<li ng-repeat="name in tabs track by $index" ng-class="{selected: tab==$index}" ng-click="switchTab($index)">{{name}}</li>

scope.switchTab = function(index) { = index;

Why does this happen and why ng-click="tab = $index"doesn't it work?

Omri Aharon

You have a typo, please change it to:

scope.switchTab = function(index) { = index;

$indexWorks even if the parameter in the function is index.

EDIT: The reason it works with a function instead of a direct assignment is that it ng-repeatcreates a new scope. When you do this: tab = $indexcreate a new variable on that new scope instead of updating the variable on $scopeyour own .

See this question for more in - depth information .


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Himanshu N Tatariya I am using Angular js from one of my projects and calling the "ng-click" function as follows <a ng-click="logout'{{x.ParentEntityId['#text']}}')" target="_blank">{{x.Title["#text"]}}</a> In "x.ParentEntityId['#text']" the value is "7560183

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freddy83 I have code similar to the following code to trigger events in an clickAngular app . Why doesn't the event fire? var app = angular.module("myApp", []) app.directive('myTop',function($compile) { return { restrict: 'E', template: '<div></div>',

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username I'm trying to fire a click event when a cell in ui-grid is clicked but ng-click is not working. Also ng-class doesn't work, I can't get width: "*" works fine. Does anyone know any accurate documentation for angular-ui-grid ? I am using angular v 1.5.1

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