Unable to get download url from firebase storage


I can upload the image successfully but can't get the URL of the uploaded image Also with the recent changes to the method I would like to write a cleaner code than this.

try {
          await FirebaseStorage.instance
                      .uid + //ref gives access to root cloud store , firebase manages all the tokens etc
        } on FirebaseException catch (e) {
        //Download the Url
        String url = await FirebaseStorage.instance
                    .uid + //ref gives access to root cloud store , firebase manages all the tokens etc
        print('Url' + url);

Frank Van Pferen

You don't need to use an UploadTaskto get the download URL. A simpler version of the code is:

Reference ref = FirebaseStorage.instance .ref()
try {
  await ref.putFile(image);
  String url = await ref.getDownloadURL();
  print('Url' + url);
} on FirebaseException catch (e) {

What I did above:

  1. To create a variable StorageReferenceso you only have to calculate it once, upload and get the download URL from that variable.
  2. Move exception handling to override the getDownloadURL()call, as you probably don't want to try to get the download URL if the upload fails.

With these two changes, it's pretty idiomatic and very close to the FlutterFire documentation examples on uploading files and getting download URLs .


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