2 twisted SSL certificates


I have the following code:

from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.static import Data
from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl

root = Data("", "text/plain")
site = Site(root)
reactor.listenSSL(config.ws_port, site,

But I have other domain names and other certificates. I need to use 2 certificates for each domain. How do I add a second twisted certificate?

Jean-Paul Calderone

The way TLS is used with HTTP to support multiple hostnames is by using a single certificate that contains all of these hostnames (for example, as an subjectAltNameextension) or by using multiple certificates (each certificate has less hostname than the full hostname) ) and SNI​​ TLS extension.

If you want to use the previous solution, all you have to do is get a properly constructed certificate. How you do this may depend on where you got the certificate from. The certificate vendor may have a special UI for this, or the certificate request generator you are using has options to control it.

If you want to use the latter solution, investigate txSNI :

from txsni.snimap import SNIMap
from txsni.tlsendpoint import TLSEndpoint

from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.static import Data
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.ssl import Certificate, KeyPair, PrivateCertificate
from twisted.internet.endpoints import serverFromString

def main(reactor):
    root = Data("", "text/plain")
    site = Site(root)

    def load(key_path, cert_path):
        with open(key_path) as key_file:
            key = KeyPair.loadPEM(key_file.read())

        with open(cert_path) as cert_file:
             cert = cert.read()

        return PrivateCertificate.fromCertificateAndKeyPair(cert, key)

    snimap = SNIMap({
        "DEFAULT": load('/etc/apache2/ssl/wc.key', '/etc/apache2/ssl/wc.crt').options(),
        "another.host.name": load(another_key, another_cert).options(),

    endpoint = TLSEndpoint(serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:80"))



2 twisted SSL certificates

calombo I have the following code: from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.static import Data from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl root = Data("", "text/plain") site = Site(root) reactor.listenSSL(config.ws_port, site,

2 twisted SSL certificates

calombo I have the following code: from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.static import Data from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl root = Data("", "text/plain") site = Site(root) reactor.listenSSL(config.ws_port, site,

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