How to append the id of the anchor tag to the new href in jquery and replace the href attribute in the page?

Notary class

I have the following:

<a id="sample"></a>

I want to change it to:

<a href="https://www.exampledomain/testpage.aspx#sample"></a>

Use jQuery or pure JavaScript. "Sample" is a non-unique dynamic property, but I need the "pre-added" field to always be the same value. Thank you in advance.


try .querySelectorAll()and .forEach(). This demo adds href, text and title( the full value is displayed hrefwhen the user hovers over the link )

var linx = document.querySelectorAll('a');

linx.forEach(lnk => {
  let ID =;
  const host = '';
  lnk.href = host + ID;
  lnk.title = host + ID;
  lnk.textContent = ID;
a {
  display: block
<a id="ID0"></a>
<a id="ID1"></a>
<a id="ID2"></a>
<a id="ID3"></a>
<a id="ID4"></a>
<a id="ID5"></a>
<a id="ID6"></a>
<a id="ID7"></a>
<a id="ID8"></a>
<a id="ID9"></a>
<a id="IDA"></a>
<a id="IDB"></a>
<a id="IDC"></a>
<a id="IDD"></a>
<a id="IDE"></a>
<a id="IDF"></a>


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men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

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Zachary I've been building websites with Twitter Bootstrap, and many of its features rely on wrapping content in <a>, even if they're just executing Javascript. I'm having trouble with the strategy href="#"suggested by the Bootstrap documentation , so I'm tryi

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men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Is it possible to use <a> (anchor tag) without href attribute?

Zachary I've been building websites with Twitter Bootstrap, and many of its features rely on wrapping content in <a>, even if they're just executing Javascript. I'm having trouble with the strategy href="#"suggested by the Bootstrap documentation , so I'm tryi

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.

Safari anchor tag with href attribute not getting focus?

men I had this problem, and I thought my code was wrong, but after googling around and looking at related examples, I wonder if Safari really doesn't focus tabs <a>on properties href? In my use case I want <a href="#top">jump</a>to use to jump to page section.