How to access url parameters on View::composer


I want to receive url parameter in method View::composerbut I don't know how to do it...

This is in filters.php:

View::composer('profile.followers', function($view){
    $view->with('menus', $menus);

Here is my route:

Route::get('/outfit/{id}/{slug}', [
    'uses'      => 'PictController@view',
    'as'        => 'pict.view',
    'before'    => 'assets'

Here is my controller:

public function followers($username){
   $d['d'] = Follow::with('followers')->where('id_user_to', 10)->get();
   $this->layout->nest('content', 'profile.followers', $d);

Check out the Laravel API documentation on Router , which you can use to return an instance.Route::current()Route

Then according to the Route documentation you can use parameters().


$currentRoute = Route::current();
$params = $currentRoute->parameters();

dd($params); // Will dump the keys and values of current route parameters

UPDATE Note that this only works on 4.1+, before that the method names were different.

// 4.1+

// Before 4.1


How to access url parameters on View::composer

user3207586 I want to receive the url parameters in the method View::composer but I don't know how to do it... This is in filters.php: View::composer('profile.followers', function($view){ dd($view->parameters); $view->with('menus', $menus); }); This i

How to access url parameters on View::composer

username I want to receive url parameter in method View::composerbut I don't know how to do it... This is in filters.php: View::composer('profile.followers', function($view){ dd($view->parameters); $view->with('menus', $menus); }); Here is my route: R

How to access url parameters on View::composer

username I want to receive url parameter in method View::composerbut I don't know how to do it... This is in filters.php: View::composer('profile.followers', function($view){ dd($view->parameters); $view->with('menus', $menus); }); Here is my route: R

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