How to access parameters of URL in iframe?

Javier Munoz

I have the following HTML with jQuery code:

<div id="info" style="width: 100%; height: 280px; overflow-y: scroll;"></div>

var url1 = cbcWMS1.getGetFeatureInfoUrl
(evt.coordinate, viewResolution, 'EPSG:3857', {'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html'});

$('#info').append('<iframe width="99%" seamless src="' + url1 + '"</iframe>');

This string url1returns iframethe element in the table containing the element.

How to access elements in iframe?

I would like to add a condition that hides the entire condition using jQuery if iframethere is missing content .<div id='info'>

String: url1Contains the following code:

<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
    <#list type.attributes as attribute>
      <#if !attribute.isGeometry> 

  <#assign odd = false>
    <#if odd>
      <tr class="odd">
  <#assign odd = !odd>

  <#list features as feature>
    <#list feature.attributes as attribute>
      <#if !attribute.isGeometry>

Javier Munoz

I have solved the problem by changing the following parts of the code:

{'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html'}to {'INFO_FORMAT': 'application/json'}.

Now, the URL stands for JSONand HTML.

So it's definitely easier to inspect and work with the data.


How to access parameters of URL in iframe?

Javier Munoz I have the following HTML with jQuery code: <div id="info" style="width: 100%; height: 280px; overflow-y: scroll;"></div> var url1 = cbcWMS1.getGetFeatureInfoUrl (evt.coordinate, viewResolution, 'EPSG:3857', {'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html'}); $('#in

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Access parameters from URL

George Patterson I am very new to Rails and ruby code. I have passed many parameters to the URL from link_to. However, when I try to access the parameter in _form.html.erb, I don't get any errors, but it doesn't output the parameter. Any help would be greatly

Access parameters from URL

George Patterson I am very new to Rails and ruby code. I have passed many parameters to the URL from link_to. However, when I try to access the parameter in _form.html.erb, I don't get any errors, but it doesn't output the parameter. Any help would be greatly