How to pass [] string as...interface{} parameter

I understand:

I know when the parameter is... strings

But this case is a little different:

func main() {
    args := []string{"hello", "world"}

The above code throws the errorcannot use args (type [] string) as type [] interface {} in argument to fmt.Println

What is the most idiomatic way to achieve this?

Burak Serdar:

This can be done in one of two ways:

   args := []interface{}{"hello", "world"}


  args:=[]string{"hello", "world"}
  for _,x:=range args {
     iargs=append(iargs, x)

You can pass one stringof which interface{}is required, but you cannot pass []stringone of which is []interface{}required. The compiler converts value stringto value interface{}, but that's not what's done with arrays, you have to do the conversion yourself.


How to pass [] string as...interface{} parameter

I understand: I know when the parameter is... strings But this case is a little different: func main() { args := []string{"hello", "world"} fmt.Println(args...) } The above code throws the errorcannot use args (ty

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kaan_a I'm in chapter 12 of the Rust programming language, which implements a case-insensitive line search. It doesn't make sense to me to implement the same logic twice, so I figured out if I just call the case-sensitive search function with a case-sensitive

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