How to pass multiline String parameter?


Suppose I have this method:

def read_line_by_line(some_text)
  some_text.each |line| do (something) end

How can I do this? I have got:

my first line
of the input text

I tried to pass it as a parameter but got a weird output. It doesn't read line by line.

Arup Rakshit

Here's what you want to try:

def read_line_by_line(some_text)
  some_text.each_line {|line| puts line }

str = <<-eot
my first line
of the input text

# >> my first line
# >> of the input text

See the documentation .String#each_line


def read_line_by_line(some_text)
  some_text.each_line {|line| puts line }

str = "my first line\nof the input text"

# >> my first line
# >> of the input text

In order to create multi-line strings, Ruby supports .Here documents


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