AngularFire2 - Firebase Storage getDownloadURL() - How to return Firestore's URL


I've been going through the angularfire2 documentation to retrieve downloadURl from storage. I hope something simple is missing here.

The documentation states:

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `<img [src]="profileUrl | async" />`
 export class AppComponent {
   profileUrl: Observable<string | null>;
   constructor(private storage: AngularFireStorage) {
   const ref ='users/davideast.jpg');
   this.profileUrl = ref.getDownloadURL();

However, once I have uploaded the image, I want to return the download url as a string to upload to firestore. I need download URL for external service.

my function

uploadImage(base64data) {

  const filePath = (`myURL/photo.jpg`);
  const storageRef =;

  var metadata = {
    contentType: 'image',
    cacheControl: "public, max-age=31536000",

  const ref =;
  const task = ref.putString(base64data, 'data_url', metadata).then(() => {

    var downloadURL = ref.getDownloadURL();



This uploads the image perfectly. However, I want to write the download URL to firestore. When the console logs my "downloadURL" variable, I get the following:

PromiseObservable {_isScalar: no, promise: y, scheduler: undefined}

The download is inside an observable promise. How can I get only the download URL string as a variable? Once there, I can sort out the Firestore update.


This answer has nothing to do with Firebase 5.0 version, they removed downloadURL() from upload task. Please refer to the doc .

.downloadURL()When the upload is complete , the observable will emit the download URL string. Then you need to subscribe to get the value.

uploadImage(base64data) {

  const filePath = (`myURL/photo.jpg`);
  //const storageRef =;

  var metadata = {
    contentType: 'image',
    cacheControl: "public, max-age=31536000",

  const ref =;
  const task = ref.putString(base64data, 'data_url', metadata);
  const downloadURL = task.downloadURL();

         //wirte the url to firestore


Hope this helps. Check this blog for more details


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