Wordpress 4.1 TinyMce Button Plugin


I'm trying to add a button on tinymce editor in wordpress

WordPress version: 4.1

I followed this tutorial : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/guide-to-creating-your-own-wordpress-editor-buttons--wp-30182

But it doesn't work. I've at least googled the assignment and I've tried to find something but no results.

Anyone know what's wrong with the tutorial?

All I want to do is add a button on tinymce that takes the youtube url and add a custom html with a link where the cursor is.

Thank you in advance, I'm really new to php, wordpress and tinymce.


Try the tutorial link suggested by @Kaloyan Ivanov : https://www.gavick.com/blog/wordpress-tinymce-custom-buttons

My steps:

1. I added the first 4 php codes at the end of the theme's functions.php

        //add custom plugin to tinymce
        add_action('admin_head', 'gavickpro_add_my_tc_button');

        function gavickpro_add_my_tc_button() {
            global $typenow;
            // check user permissions
            if ( !current_user_can('edit_posts') && !current_user_can('edit_pages') ) {
            // verify the post type
            if( ! in_array( $typenow, array( 'post', 'page' ) ) )
            // check if WYSIWYG is enabled
            if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
                add_filter("mce_external_plugins", "gavickpro_add_tinymce_plugin");
                add_filter('mce_buttons', 'gavickpro_register_my_tc_button');

        function gavickpro_add_tinymce_plugin($plugin_array) {
            $plugin_array['gavickpro_tc_button'] = plugins_url( '/text-button.js', __FILE__ ); // CHANGE THE BUTTON SCRIPT HERE
            return $plugin_array;

        function gavickpro_register_my_tc_button($buttons) {
           array_push($buttons, "gavickpro_tc_button");
           return $buttons;

2. Then I created a file called text-button.js in the same theme folder as functions.php and added the code

            (function() {
                tinymce.PluginManager.add('gavickpro_tc_button',   function( editor, url ) {
                    editor.addButton( 'gavickpro_tc_button', {
                        text: 'My test button',
                        icon: false,
                        onclick: function() {
                            editor.insertContent('Hello World!');

but this doesn't work, it makes all tinymce buttons in the editor disappear

screenshot of tinymce editor

Ultimately, just a little change (as suggested by Kaloyan Ivanov):

Change the line:

$plugin_array['gavickpro_tc_button'] = plugins_url( '/text-button.js', __FILE__ );


$plugin_array['gavickpro_tc_button'] = get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) . '/text-button.js';

Thanks to Kaloyan Ivanov and gavick.com/blog, it's new tinymce editor for wordpress 4.1


Check out the tutorial below, it appears to be the latest version of TinyMCE (and has been updated recently).


The tutorial you linked probably worked for TinyMCE in WordPress prior to 3.9.

Edit: Did a quick test. seems to be working. :)

Quick guide to get it working:

  1. Open https://www.gavick.com/blog/wordpress-tinymce-custom-buttons#tmce-section-1
  2. Paste the four codes of php into your functions.php file
  3. Replace plugins_url( '/text-button.js', __FILE__ );with get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . /text-button.js(may need to be adjusted if the file is in a subdirectory).
  4. Paste the javascript code from the fifth paragraph into the javascript file you created.

(Note that this is just a quick example of implementing it in a theme , so you can see the main idea, if you're actually building a plugin, you should use the syntax).plugins_url( '/text-button.js', __FILE__ )



Wordpress 4.1 TinyMce Button Plugin

Rexspi I'm trying to add a button on tinymce editor in wordpress WordPress version: 4.1 I followed this tutorial : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/guide-to-creating-your-own-wordpress-editor-buttons--wp-30182 But it doesn't work. I've at least googled the a

Wordpress 4.1 TinyMce Button Plugin

Rexspi I am trying to add a button to the tinymce editor in wordpress WordPress version: 4.1 I followed this tutorial : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/guide-to-creating-your-own-wordpress-editor-buttons--wp-30182 But it doesn't work. I've at least googled

Wordpress 4.1 TinyMce Button Plugin

Rexspi I'm trying to add a button on tinymce editor in wordpress WordPress version: 4.1 I followed this tutorial : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/guide-to-creating-your-own-wordpress-editor-buttons--wp-30182 But it doesn't work. I've at least googled the a

Wordpress 4.1 TinyMce Button Plugin

Rexspi I am trying to add a button to the tinymce editor in wordpress WordPress version: 4.1 I followed this tutorial : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/guide-to-creating-your-own-wordpress-editor-buttons--wp-30182 But it doesn't work. I've at least googled

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

WordPress plugin tinymce conflict

tom I am using Wordpress and have installed two plugins on it. Both use the Tinymce WYSIWYG editor. If I activate both plugins at the same time, I get the following error message when the page plugin B is displayed: jquery.js? ver=1.12.3:2 Uncaught Error: Auto

WordPress plugin tinymce conflict

tom I am using Wordpress and have installed two plugins on it. Both use the Tinymce WYSIWYG editor. If I activate both plugins at the same time, I get the following error message when the page plugin B is displayed: jquery.js? ver=1.12.3:2 Uncaught Error: Auto

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

tinyMCE custom plugin for WordPress

mark I'm just getting into plugin development for Wordpress. Now I have a function that I pass as a filter to "tiny_mce_before_init" with specific variables to change buttons, add custom styles and other things like that. I'm building an "options page" and I w

WordPress plugin tinymce conflict

tom I am using Wordpress and have installed two plugins on it. Both use the Tinymce WYSIWYG editor. If I activate both plugins at the same time, I get the following error message when the page plugin B is displayed: jquery.js? ver=1.12.3:2 Uncaught Error: Auto

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Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish and r

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a

TinyMCE WordPress Plugin Clickable Image

Sam Kogan| I'm trying to create a simple WordPress plugin for the TinyMCE editor, add a button in the editor bar, when you click the button, it will insert an image in the content, and I want the image to be available to read the image's People click publish a