How to pass function as parameter to parameter?

Java Prophet

So I'm using callbacks in GNUTLS.

I want to pass my function handleSNIto the function, but I also want to pass some other important parameters (to it when calling SNI).

I can execute them outside the function of the global variable, but this is not thread safe.

is it possible? If not, how can this be done?


GnuTLS supports user-defined parameters in callbacks. For the push-pull function, you can set it via . You pass a pointer to the struct containing the data and use it in the callback.gnutls_transport_set_ptr

On a more general level, the answer is: if your library doesn't support user-defined parameters, you're out of luck. In C, there is no way to spoof extra parameters. If you find such a library, do yourself a favor and don't use it. If there are no other options, you can use thread-safe containers or thread-local storage. But it's really ugly.


How to pass function as parameter to parameter?

Java Prophet So I'm using callbacks in GNUTLS. I want to pass my function handleSNIto the function, but I also want to pass some other important parameters (to it when calling SNI). I can execute them outside the function of the global variable, but this is no

How to pass function as parameter to parameter?

Java Prophet So I'm using callbacks in GNUTLS. I want to pass my function handleSNIto the function, but I also want to pass some other important parameters (to it when calling SNI). I can execute them outside the function of the global variable, but this is no

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How to pass function as parameter

epinephrine I have a function that takes a vector and sums all elements. (def rec (fn [numbers acc] (if (empty? numbers) acc (recur (rest numbers) (+ acc (first numbers)))))) (prn (rec [1 2 3] 0)) However, instead of calling the function "+"

How to pass function as parameter

epinephrine I have a function that takes a vector and sums all elements. (def rec (fn [numbers acc] (if (empty? numbers) acc (recur (rest numbers) (+ acc (first numbers)))))) (prn (rec [1 2 3] 0)) However, instead of calling the function "+"

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