How to pass function as parameter


I have a function that takes a vector and sums all elements.

(def rec
  (fn [numbers acc]
    (if (empty? numbers)
      (recur (rest numbers) (+ acc (first numbers))))))
(prn (rec [1 2 3] 0))

However, instead of calling the function "+", I don't want to pass a function as a parameter, and pass a function as a parameter and then call that function.

I tried:

(def rec
  (fn [f numbers acc]
    (if (empty? numbers)
      (recur (rest numbers) (f acc (first numbers))))))
(prn (rec + [4 2 1] 0))

But this doesn't work, I know there is a better way to sum numbers in a vector, but I'm starting with a function, so it's important to do this exercise.

Thanks in advance.

Diego Basch

In this case you need to recurse with the same parameters as the parameter vector:

(recur f (rest numbers) (f acc (first numbers))))))

(By the way, the standard defnused to define a function (defn f[x] ... )is(def f (fn [x] ...)))


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