Avoid using functions in where clauses as it causes performance issues?


Whenever I execute a program, I have performance issues, where do I need to change the program to improve performance?

I am calling a table function in a where clause and I need to optimize this process without using strings.

CREATE PROC proc_productwise_report @cmp_id VARCHAR(max), @unitcode VARCHAR(max), @gr_code VARCHAR(max), @store_code VARCHAR(max), @from_dt VARCHAR(20), @to_dt VARCHAR(20)
    SELECT sh.cmp_id, d.unitcode, d.store_code, st.item_code AS product, d.item_code, im.item_desc, SUM(charge_qty) AS challan_qty
    FROM ps_invenstatic sh
    INNER JOIN ps_invenstaticdet st ON sh.cmp_id = st.cmp_id
        AND sh.sys_no_id = st.sys_no_id
        AND sh.doc_id = st.doc_id
        AND sys_doc_type = 'PSCH'
    INNER JOIN ps_invenissu h ON sh.cmp_id = h.cmp_id
        AND sh.doc_type = h.ref_doc_type
        AND sh.doc_no = h.ref_doc_no
        AND h.prod_code = st.item_code
    INNER JOIN ps_invenissudet d ON h.cmp_id = d.cmp_id
        AND h.sys_no_id = d.sys_no_id
        AND h.doc_id = d.doc_id
    INNER JOIN ps_itemmas im ON sh.cmp_id = im.cmp_id
        AND im.item_code = d.item_code
    WHERE sh.cmp_id IN (
            SELECT *
            FROM utilfn_split(@cmp_id, ',')
        AND d.unitcode IN (
            SELECT *
            FROM utilfn_split(@unitcode, ',')
        AND im.gr_code IN (
            SELECT *
            FROM utilfn_split(@gr_code, ',')
        AND d.store_code IN (
            SELECT *
            FROM utilfn_split(@store_code, ',')
        AND h.doc_dt BETWEEN convert(DATETIME, @from_dt, 103)
            AND convert(DATETIME, @to_dt, 103)
        AND sh.Stat_Code <> 'CA'
    GROUP BY sh.cmp_id, d.unitcode, d.store_code, st.item_code, d.item_code, im.item_desc

I need to avoid using functions in where clauses and solve performance issues.

Radu Georgius

You can use the results of SPLIT and INNER JOIN in the main query to build temporary tables in stored procedures.

CREATE PROC proc_productwise_report @cmp_id VARCHAR(max), @unitcode VARCHAR(max), 
@gr_code VARCHAR(max), @store_code VARCHAR(max), @from_dt VARCHAR(20), @to_dt VARCHAR(20)

INTO #cmp_ids
FROM utilfn_split(@cmp_id, ',');

INTO #unitcodes
FROM utilfn_split(@unitcode, ',');

INTO #gr_codes
FROM utilfn_split(@gr_code, ',');

INTO #store_codes
FROM utilfn_split(@store_code, ',');

    , d.unitcode
    , d.store_code
    , st.item_code AS product
    , d.item_code
    , im.item_desc
    , SUM(charge_qty) AS challan_qty
FROM ps_invenstatic sh
    INNER JOIN ps_invenstaticdet st 
        ON sh.cmp_id = st.cmp_id
            AND sh.sys_no_id = st.sys_no_id
            AND sh.doc_id = st.doc_id
            AND sys_doc_type = 'PSCH'
    INNER JOIN ps_invenissu h 
        ON sh.cmp_id = h.cmp_id
            AND sh.doc_type = h.ref_doc_type
            AND sh.doc_no = h.ref_doc_no
            AND h.prod_code = st.item_code
    INNER JOIN ps_invenissudet d 
        ON h.cmp_id = d.cmp_id
            AND h.sys_no_id = d.sys_no_id
            AND h.doc_id = d.doc_id
    INNER JOIN ps_itemmas im 
        ON sh.cmp_id = im.cmp_id
            AND im.item_code = d.item_code
    INNER JOIN #cmp_ids tci on sh.cmp_id = tci.[value]
    INNER JOIN #unitcodes tuc on d.unitcode = tuc.[value]
    INNER JOIN #gr_codes tgr on im.gr_code = tgr.[value]
    INNER JOIN #store_codes tsc on d.store_code = tsc.[value]
WHERE h.doc_dt BETWEEN convert(DATETIME, @from_dt, 103)
    AND convert(DATETIME, @to_dt, 103)
    AND sh.Stat_Code <> 'CA'
GROUP BY sh.cmp_id
    , d.unitcode
    , d.store_code
    , st.item_code
    , d.item_code
    , im.item_desc


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