Using multiple clauses in where


What is the correct way to include multiple wheres in a LINQ call OR

List<Pos> posList = DbContext.PosList
                             .Where<Pos>(p => p.Pos == "51000785" || 
                                         p => p.Pos == "123")

The Linq where clause takes an expression and returns a bool value. You are using two expressions, each with their own return value. You need to combine the two into a lambda expression that returns one value, not the two separate values ​​in the example.

List<Pos> posList = DbContext.PosList
         .Where<Pos>(p => p.Pos == "51000785" || p.Pos == "123")


Using multiple AND operators in where clauses

healthy I have multiple conditions to check a database column can I do this? (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PscData where SETTLEMENT_ID = T.SETTLEMENT_ID AND NO_OF_BUFFALO >= 1 AND NO_OF_COW >= 1 AND NO_OF_GOAT >= 1 AND NO_OF_SHEEP >

Using multiple counts with multiple where clauses

package.JSON I am trying to write an SQL query to count the number of existences in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in a quarter. I've tried looking at the previous question but it's not clear. Here is my code: SELECT COUNT(Quarter CASE WHEN Quarter = 'Q1') COUNT(Quarter

Using multiple counts with multiple where clauses

package.JSON I am trying to write an SQL query to count the number of existences in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in a quarter. I've tried looking at the previous question but it's not clear. Here is my code: SELECT COUNT(Quarter CASE WHEN Quarter = 'Q1') COUNT(Quarter

Using multiple counts with multiple where clauses

package.JSON I am trying to write an SQL query to count the number of existences in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in a quarter. I've tried looking at the previous question but it's not clear. Here is my code: SELECT COUNT(Quarter CASE WHEN Quarter = 'Q1') COUNT(Quarter

Using multiple counts with multiple where clauses

package.JSON I am trying to write an SQL query to count the number of existences in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in a quarter. I've tried looking at the previous question but it's not clear. Here is my code: SELECT COUNT(Quarter CASE WHEN Quarter = 'Q1') COUNT(Quarter

Using multiple counts with multiple where clauses

package.JSON I am trying to write an SQL query to count the number of existences in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in a quarter. I've tried looking at the previous question but it's not clear. Here is my code: SELECT COUNT(Quarter CASE WHEN Quarter = 'Q1') COUNT(Quarter

Using multiple counts with multiple where clauses

package.JSON I am trying to write an SQL query to count the number of existences in Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in a quarter. I've tried looking at the previous question but it's not clear. Here is my code: SELECT COUNT(Quarter CASE WHEN Quarter = 'Q1') COUNT(Quarter

Using multiple where clauses in Laravel query builder

Dan Hastings I'm having a lot of trouble converting the following SQL query to work with Laravel's query builder. SELECT * FROM gifts JOIN giftcategory ON = giftcategory.giftid JOIN giftoccasions ON = giftoccasions.giftid JOIN giftrelationsh

Using find() with multiple where clauses in Active Record

Encoder I want to separate the content after Active Record query into 3 groups (using square brackets). The first group is from the first "Where" clause to the last "orWhere". The second and third will use "andWhere". Please give me advice on how to use square

Using find() with multiple where clauses in Active Record

Encoder I want to separate the content after Active Record query into 3 groups (using square brackets). The first group is from the first "Where" clause to the last "orWhere". The second and third will use "andWhere". Please give me advice on how to use square

Using multiple where clauses in Laravel query builder

Dan Hastings I'm having a lot of trouble converting the following SQL query to work with Laravel's query builder. SELECT * FROM gifts JOIN giftcategory ON = giftcategory.giftid JOIN giftoccasions ON = giftoccasions.giftid JOIN giftrelationsh

Using multiple where clauses in Laravel query builder

Dan Hastings I'm having a lot of trouble converting the following SQL query to work with Laravel's query builder. SELECT * FROM gifts JOIN giftcategory ON = giftcategory.giftid JOIN giftoccasions ON = giftoccasions.giftid JOIN giftrelationsh

Using find() with multiple where clauses in Active Record

Encoder I want to separate the content after Active Record query into 3 groups (using square brackets). The first group is from the first "Where" clause to the last "orWhere". The second and third will use "andWhere". Please give me advice on how to use square

Using find() with multiple where clauses in Active Record

Encoder I want to separate the content after Active Record query into 3 groups (using square brackets). The first group is from the first "Where" clause to the last "orWhere". The second and third will use "andWhere". Please give me advice on how to use square

Using find() with multiple where clauses in Active Record

Encoder I want to separate the content after Active Record query into 3 groups (using square brackets). The first group is from the first "Where" clause to the last "orWhere". The second and third will use "andWhere". Please give me advice on how to use square

Using multiple where clauses in Laravel query builder

Dan Hastings I'm having a lot of trouble converting the following SQL query to work with Laravel's query builder. SELECT * FROM gifts JOIN giftcategory ON = giftcategory.giftid JOIN giftoccasions ON = giftoccasions.giftid JOIN giftrelationsh

Laravel multiple WHERE clauses

Lakmal Premaratne I need to add multiple where clauses to a Laravel SQL query. My PHP code so far is: date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); $today = getdate(); $year = $today['year']; $month = $today['mon']; $day = $today['mday']; $today_ = $day.

Multiple where clauses

Priya I have the following table: ID Key Value 1 From x 1 To Y 1 CC a 2 From Z 2 To X 2 CC b 3 From X 3 To Y 3 CC c 4 From X 4 To Z 4 CC d I want Id 1 and 3 as res

Multiple where in clauses in Mysql

beginner When using the following query, I am getting incorrect results. How to fix this when using multiple where in clauses and HAVING. SELECT * FROM `otc_employee_qualifications` WHERE `emp_qualifctn_type` IN ( '26', '27' ) AND `qualification_value`

Multiple where clauses, Laravel

Bisebiu I've tried querying with 2 where clauses but the response is not correct, not sure why. $history = AnswerHistory::where('question_id', '=', $id) ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('answer_type', '!=', "skipped"); })

Multiple where clauses, Laravel

Bisebiu I've tried querying with 2 where clauses but the response is not correct, not sure why. $history = AnswerHistory::where('question_id', '=', $id) ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('answer_type', '!=', "skipped"); })

Laravel multiple WHERE clauses

Lakmal Premaratne I need to add multiple where clauses to a Laravel SQL query. My PHP code so far is: date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); $today = getdate(); $year = $today['year']; $month = $today['mon']; $day = $today['mday']; $today_ = $day.

Laravel multiple WHERE clauses

Lakmal Premaratne I need to add multiple where clauses to a Laravel SQL query. My PHP code so far is: date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); $today = getdate(); $year = $today['year']; $month = $today['mon']; $day = $today['mday']; $today_ = $day.

Multiple Where clauses with decryption

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SQL multiple where clauses

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HQL multiple where clauses

gcalex5 I was initially just doing a single variable query and had to add another variable to the statement, can't seem to get it to work or find a direct answer on the expected syntax. I've checked that everything is mapped correctly and no nulls go into the

Firestore: Multiple where clauses

general user let query = db.collectionGroup('volumes') query = query.where('days', 'array-contains', day) query = query.where('start_time', '<', time) query = query.where('end_time', '>', time) snapshot = await query.get().catch(e => consol

HQL multiple where clauses

gcalex5 I was initially just doing a single variable query and had to add another variable to the statement, can't seem to get it to work or find a direct answer on the expected syntax. I've checked that everything is mapped correctly and no nulls go into the