Remove default left and right padding in container fluid from Bootstrap 5

Fort Mohawk

I want to remove the default padding-left and padding-right in container fluid. I am using bootstrap 5. See screenshots. I disabled padding-left and padding-right by default and then got my desired result using chrome dev. tool. I don't want to use "!important" in CSS files. I also tried the no-cutter class with container fluid and also tried g-0 to remove the grooves in the container fluid, but it still doesn't work. While in the css file "!important" is associated with

          padding: 3% 15% !important;

It does work, but I don't want to use this solution. If there is any other way to solve this problem with Bootstrap 5.

/*********************************TAG SELECTOR***************************/
  font-family: 'Montserrat';
  font-size: 3rem;
  line-height: 1.5;

/*********************************CLASS SELECTOR***************************/
.navbar-brand, .nav-item{
    margin-left: 10px;

  padding: 3% 15% !important;

/*********************************ID SELECTOR***************************/
  background-color: #ff4c68;
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The problem is that styles.cssit should be bootstrap.min.cssafter the HEAD tag. Once this is done, the fill priority .container-fluidyou set will take precedence...

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  <link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-BmbxuPwQa2lc/FVzBcNJ7UAyJxM6wuqIj61tLrc4wSX0szH/Ev+nYRRuWlolflfl" crossorigin="anonymous">

  <!-- Added CSS-->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">


See also: How to override Bootstrap CSS styles?


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