Highchart: Remove left and right padding in column chart

Jonas Schade

I have an adjusted column chart pointPlacements, pointPaddingand groupPaddingan x-axis with a datetime and maxsum minvalues.

The expected behavior is to slice the chart at the minimum and maximum values ​​of the axis, but Highcharts seems to extend the x-axis to the right about half of each data interval to the left of these extreme values. ( see picture )

I tried everything I could find in the API Reference, but couldn't get rid of the extra space on the sides.

Things I've tried:
*set xAxis.minPadding/ xAxis.maxPaddingwith 0with and w/o startOnTick/ endOnTick
*set xAxis.ceiling/ x.axis.floorwith max/ minvalue
* set xAxis.marginto 0
*set instead of xAxis.softMaxand * use / in place of the x value in the data *set toxAxis.softMinxAxis.minxAxis.max

Fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/d4rz572L/ _


You need to set minand maxproperties correctly:

xAxis: [{
    type: "datetime",
    // pointRange = 1530792000000 - 1530770400000
    min: 1530748800000 + (21600000 / 2),
    max: 1530835200000 - (21600000 / 2)

Live demo : https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/8bqt1chn/

API Reference : https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.column.pointRange


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