Unable to retrieve Firebase downloadURL from .getDownloadURL() promise

Jean-Marie Damaso

I'm trying to retrieve the downloadURL from an image I've uploaded to Firebase. It's no problem getting the correct URL in the promise.

I don't understand why downloadURL is still not defined after setting downloadURL equal to the url returned in the .then statement.

let downloadURL;

      .child('project_images/' + imageName)
      .then(url => {
        downloadURL = url;
        console.log(downloadURL); //logs the correct downloadURL needed
      .catch(error => {});

    console.log(downloadURL); //still undefined

I feel like I'm missing something stupid, but for the life of me I can't see what it is. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Does it document undefinedthe one in the promise?

Probably just not fulfilling the promise before trying to log outside of the function call.


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