Remove attached image from jQuery dialog title

Jane S

I've looked into various solutions on StackOverflow but haven't had any success getting them to work. I can easily add an image to the dialog, but various attempts to remove the image have failed, so I get multiple images.

Note that I don't want it to appear in "all" dialogs, but just in a series of welcome dialogs. Here is the code (one of them) so far:

            width: 600,
            height: 400,
            position: "center",
            dialogClass: 'help-dialog',
            hide: {
                effect: "fade",
                duration: 200,
            open: function (event, ui) {
                $(".ui-dialog-titlebar").append("<img src='Images/question.png' id='myNewImage' />");
        }).parents(".ui-dialog").css("opacity", "0.9");

dialogClass changes the background color of these dialogs.

I also tried:


No effect, subsequent openings will have another icon attached to the title bar. I also tried


Removed the entire title bar (I was kind of looking forward to it).

So really, I just want the icon to show up in the title bar, show a few dialogs, and not show up on any other dialogs. What am I doing wrong? :)


I think your code does work :)

Check the jsfiddle of my code:

Button add added IMG - remove to remove it!

$(".ui-dialog-titlebar").append("<img src='Images/question.png' id='myNewImage' />");   


That's your code :) - so remove will do what it's supposed to! :)

If you want this img to be displayed only in a few dialogs, do an IF statement.


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