Can't draw to canvas in Tkinter after() loop

discrete tomatoes

I'm having a problem, when I try to create an image on the canvas, I can't generate the image. However, I can create and configure my image before starting the after() loop. Also, I am able to use my canvas to delete objects canvas.delete()in my after()loop, so I still have some level of control.

I'm on windows 8.1 , using Python 3.5.4

import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from math import floor
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

root = tk.Tk()
HEIGHT = 600
WIDTH = 600

def my_mainloop():

    img = dial_1_img_resized
    img2 = img.rotate(45, expand=True)
    dial_1_photo_new = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img2)
    dial_2 = canvas.create_image((dial_1_center), image=dial_1_photo_new, anchor=tk.E)

'''-------------------Create Canvas, and starting dials in their starting positions---------------------'''

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=HEIGHT, height=WIDTH, bg="black")
canvas.grid(row=0, column=0)
dial_1_path = "gauge1.png"
dial_1_width = 400

dial_1_img =, 'r') #open image
dial_1_img_ratio = int(dial_1_img.size[1]) / int(dial_1_img.size[0])
dial_1_img_resized = dial_1_img.resize((dial_1_width, floor(dial_1_img_ratio * dial_1_width)), 1)
dial_1_photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(dial_1_img_resized)
dial_1_center = (CANVAS_MID_X, CANVAS_MID_Y)

dial_1 = canvas.create_image((dial_1_center), image=dial_1_photo)

'''Start Main Loop'''
root.after(0, my_mainloop)

Hence my question: is there a way to manipulate and create canvas images in a after()loop ? (called my_mainloop) Any help is appreciated!

busy bear

You need to save a reference to the photo as it will be garbage collected after it my_mainloopruns . For example, you can add this to your canvasobject:

canvas.dial_1_photo_new = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img2)
dial_2 = canvas.create_image((dial_1_center), image=canvas.dial_1_photo_new, anchor=tk.E)


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