Typescript: Pass function as type in interface

Samuel Hudec

I'm trying to figure out how to get a type from an existing Typescript function and use it to define an interface. I'm working on a React project and I want to pass ( action creatorfunctionality) into Propsan interface and then as a pass into a React Component Component<Props, State>.

Action creator example:

export function myFunction(foo: string = "bar") {
    return {
        type: "EXAMPLE_ACTION",
        payload: foo,

Example component:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from "react-redux"
import { myFunction } from "actions"

export interface Props {
    // This is what I'm trying to and and it ends up in ts error
    myFunc: myFunction

class SomeComponent extends Component<Props, {}> {
    render() {
        return (
                <button onClick={this.props.myFunc("baz")}>Click to dispatch</button>

export default connect(null, {

I thought this would work, but frankly it's a typescript bug:

[ts] Cannot find name 'myFunction'

I wonder if I need to define a separate variable to typepass it to the component like this:

export type myFuncType = (foo: string) => { type: string, payload: string }
export const myFunction: myFuncType = (foo: string) => {
    return {
        type: "EXAMPLE_ACTION",
        payload: foo,

But this seems too verbose and redundant, requiring another export to be imported. Is there any other workaround?

Aluan Haddad

You can use keywords typeofin type position to get the type of a named value.

In this case you would write

import { myFunction } from "actions";

export interface Props {
    myFunc: typeof myFunction;

The reason you are currently getting the error is that TypeScript has two different declaration spaces, one for values ​​and one for types. functionDefine a value instead of a type.


Typescript: Pass function as type in interface

Samuel Hudec I'm trying to figure out how to get a type from an existing Typescript function and use it to define an interface. I'm working on a React project and I want to pass ( action creatorfunctionality) into Propsan interface and then as a pass into a Re

Typescript: Pass function as type in interface

Samuel Hudec I'm trying to figure out how to get a type from an existing Typescript function and use it to define an interface. I'm working on a React project and I want to pass ( action creatorfunctionality) into Propsan interface and then as a pass into a Re

Typescript: Pass function as type in interface

Samuel Hudec I'm trying to figure out how to get a type from an existing Typescript function and use it to define an interface. I'm working on a React project and I want to pass ( action creatorfunctionality) into Propsan interface and then as a pass into a Re

Typescript: Pass function as type in interface

Samuel Hudec I'm trying to figure out how to get a type from an existing Typescript function and use it to define an interface. I'm working on a React project and I want to pass ( action creatorfunctionality) into Propsan interface and then as a pass into a Re

Typescript: Pass function as type in interface

Samuel Hudec I'm trying to figure out how to get a type from an existing Typescript function and use it to define an interface. I'm working on a React project and I want to pass ( action creatorfunctionality) into Propsan interface and then as a pass into a Re

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