typescript - pass type to function parameter


I'm pretty new to Typescript, but I'm trying to pass a custom type to a function. In this case I avoid "any", here is my example.

interface ReturnObj<T> {
  returnObj: T | null

const createResultObj = (
    isSuccessful: boolean = false,
    returnObj: ReturnObj = null,
    errors: AppError | null = null,
    statusCode: number = 500
   ): Result => {
return {

Naturally, this will return an error, Generic type 'ReturnObj<T>' requires 1 type argument(s).but I'm not sure how to populate this part so that I can call in this function and include the type (if some type is present in returnObj).


All you need to do is provide a generic parameter to your function like this:

interface ReturnObj<T> {
  returnObj: T | null

type AppError = {} | null
type Result<T extends unknown> = {
  isSuccessful: boolean,
  returnObj: ReturnObj<T> | null,
  errors: AppError,
  statusCode: number

const createResultObj = <T extends unknown>(
  isSuccessful: boolean = false,
  returnObj: ReturnObj<T> | null = null,
  errors: AppError = null,
  statusCode: number = 500
): Result<T> => {
  return {

type sth = { foo: string };
const s: sth = { foo: "bar" }
const returnS: ReturnObj<sth> = { returnObj: s }
const re = createResultObj(true, returnS, null, 200);

playground link

Note: This<T extends unknown> is an obligation due to the use of arrow functions, see this


typescript - pass type to function parameter

LTFoReal I'm pretty new to Typescript, but I'm trying to pass a custom type to a function. In this case I avoid "any", here is my example. interface ReturnObj<T> { returnObj: T | null } const createResultObj = ( isSuccessful: boolean = false, return

typescript - pass type to function parameter

LTFoReal I'm pretty new to Typescript, but I'm trying to pass a custom type to a function. In this case I avoid "any", here is my example. interface ReturnObj<T> { returnObj: T | null } const createResultObj = ( isSuccessful: boolean = false, return

typescript - pass type to function parameter

LTFoReal I'm pretty new to Typescript, but I'm trying to pass a custom type to a function. In this case I avoid "any", here is my example. interface ReturnObj<T> { returnObj: T | null } const createResultObj = ( isSuccessful: boolean = false, return

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