How can I prevent foreign keys from being loaded into my DataGrid?

Kara J

Right now, I'm getting all the information under the table and binding it to my DataGrids.

However, this makes my foreign keys visible on the DataGrid, which I don't want. Also, I don't see an ID column.

How can I select only certain columns from the database and bind them to the DataGrid instead of binding all the data to the DataGrid?

I think I just need to write a query, but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe because I'm still new to Entity Framework.

This is how I store the data into the db...:

 using (var db = new DMIDataContext())
{LotInformation newLot = new LotInformation();

        newLot.Id = lot.Id;
        newLot.lot_number = lot.lot_number;
        newLot.exp_date = lot.exp_date;

  foreach (Components comp in lot.Components)


         ComponentsList = newLot.Components;

  foreach (Families fam in lot.Families)


         Families = newLot.Families; 


This is how I get the database data:

 public static void ReadLot(string lotNumber)

        using (var db = new DMIDataContext())
                LotInformation lotInfo = db.LotInformation.FirstOrDefault(r => r.lot_number.Equals(lotNumber));
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)


I think the problem is in the above query...I tried using FirstOrDefault(). Select(), but I guess I can't perform a select select after FirstOrDefault...don't know why.

The way the foreign key is set up in my class is:

    public virtual int LotInformationId { get;  set; }
    public virtual LotInformation LotInformation { get; set; }

But I don't want data bound to my dataGrid...

Hope this is clear. If you have any questions, please ask me.



Like Michael Perrenoud said, you can specify the desired columns in the xaml:

  <DataGrid ItemSource="{Binding YourCollection}" SelectedItem="{Binding YourCurrentSelectedItem}">
         <DataGridTextColumn Header="SomeColumnHeader" Binding={Binding SomePropertyOnTheModel} />


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