400 Bad Request when sending data using Ajax in Spring Framework


Trying to pass JavaScript object to Spring MVC. I get a 400 Bad Request error. Tried all different ways but still no luck. I've attached the Controller, the objects I'm passing in JS and Java and the response. I will really appreciate. When I change the @RequestBody to @ModelAttribute, I receive the parameter in the controller, but the integer is zero and the array is empty.


    @RequestMapping(value="/getInstrumentsByTypeMakeModel" , method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public @ResponseBody List<Instrument> getInstrumentsByTypeMakeModel(@RequestBody SearchInstrument search) {
     // do Something and create searchResult;   
    return searchResult;


var searchInstrument = {

    operator: siteOperator,
    companyId:loggedInUserCompanyId ,
    isServiceProvider:isServiceProvider ,


         url:server_name+ "/getInstrumentsByTypeMakeModel",
         type: "GET",
        dataType: "JSON",
         contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
         success: function(resultData) {
             error: function(jqXHR, status) {
                 // error handler


SearchInstrument class

public class SearchInstrument  {
    public SearchInstrument(){


        public SearchInstrument(int operator,int companyId, boolean isServiceProvider,
                List<Integer>  types,List<Integer>  makes,  List<Integer>  models,
                List<String>  typeOthers,List<String>  makeOthers,List<String>  modelOthers

        private int operator;
        private int companyId;
        private boolean isServiceProvider;
        private List<Integer>  types=new ArrayList<Integer> ();
        private List<Integer>  makes=new ArrayList<Integer> ();
        private List<Integer>  models=new ArrayList<Integer> ();    
        private List<String>  typeOthers=new ArrayList<String> ();
        private List<String>  makeOthers=new ArrayList<String> ();
        private List<String>  modelOthers=new ArrayList<String> ();

//getters and setters       


[this is the parameter] [ https://i.stack.imgur.com/2cxde.png]

[This is the URL:] [ https://i.stack.imgur.com/BPMaS.png]

Christos Karapapas:

I'm not entirely sure, but combining GET requests and trying to pass an object doesn't seem like the best idea, which is why you see the JS object searchControlleron the URL in the second picture .

The following questions are explained in more detail.

I think you should try converting it to a POST request.

Or if for some reason you still want to keep it as GET, you should pass the object as a parameter in the URL and use @RequestParam in the controller.


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