How to use "Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model" in Scikit-Learn? (n_components?)


My understanding of "Infinite Mixture Models with Dirichlet Processes as Prior Distributions for Number of Clusters" is that the number of clusters is determined by the convergence of the data to a certain number of clusters.

This R Implementation determines the number of clusters in this way. Not sure if that affects this effect though R implementationusing the Gibbs sampler.

What confuses me is the n_componentsparameter. n_components: int, default 1 : Number of mixture components. If the number of components is determined by the data and the Dirichlet process, what is this parameter?

Ultimately, I am trying to get:

(1) Cluster assignment of each sample;

(2) a probability vector for each cluster; and

(3) Likelihood/log-likelihood of each sample.

It looks like (1) is the predictmethod and (3) is the scoremethod. However, the output of (1) depends entirely on n_componentsthe hyperparameters.

My apologies if this is a naive question, I'm pretty new to Bayesian programming and found there is Dirichlet Processsomething Scikit-learnI'd like to try.

Here is the documentation :

Here is a usage example :

Here is my naive usage:

from sklearn.mixture import DPGMM
X = pd.read_table("Data/processed/data.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)
Mod_dpgmm = DPGMM(n_components=3)
Raphael Valle

As @maxymoo mentioned in the comments, n_componentsis a truncation parameter.

In the Chinese restaurant process, which is in the context of sklearn's DP-GMM correlation bar breaking representation, a new data point joins kthe probability |k| / n-1+alphaof an existing cluster and starts a new cluster with probabilities alpha / n-1 + alpha. This parameter can be interpreted as the concentration parameter of the Dirichlet process, which will affect the final number of clusters.

Unlike R's implementation that uses Gibbs sampling, sklearn's implementation of DP-GMM uses variational inference. This may be related to the difference in results.

A detailed Dirichlet Process tutorial can be found here .


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