How can I access the current route from anywhere in my app?


I'm trying to get information about the current route on a non-Route component.

React Router provides singleton versions of history (browserHistory and hashHistory) that you can import and use from anywhere in your application.

Previously, you seemed to be able to use browserHistoryit, but it doesn't seem to be supported anymore. I am using react-router-redux^4.0.8and @types\react-router-redux^5.0.1.

How to access current route location?

João Cunha

this is very simple. You can use withRouter HOC

You can access the properties of the history object and the closest Route match via the withRouter higher-order component . Whenever rendered, withRouter will pass the updated match, position and history props to the wrapped component.

like to use it like this:

import {withRouter} from "react-router-dom"
class NonRouteComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    // you have access to this.props.match
    // you have access to this.props.history
    // you have access to this.props.location
    const { match, location, history } = this.props

    return <h1>Hi {location.pathname}</h1>;

If you don't use the decorator (aka @withRouter), you can export the component like this:

class NonRouteComponent extends Component { ... }
export default withRouter(NonRouteComponent);


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