How can I display a route map from my current location to a certain destination (a certain address)?


In React Native, I'm developing a sample app using react-native-maps. It works fine, but I didn't find: How to display RouteMap from current location to another address or location?

Here is my code:

    { => (
                  latitude:  marker.Latitude  || this.state.lastLat  || region.latitude,
                  longitude: marker.Longitude || this.state.lastLong || region.longitude
                image = {
                 marker.EmergencyService == true ?(
                onCalloutPress={() => this.bookDoctorsAppointment(marker)}
            <MyCustomMarkerView marker={marker}  navigator={this.props.navigator}/>

Actually, in this code, I see some list of markers, but I don't need a roadmap of all markers...I just want some specific markers to be added to the current location.

Here I have attached the image I want:

enter image description here

Emmanuel Gusser

You need to query the following : ' '

Basically, you have to give the coordinates of the start and end points. Details : _

You should parse the answer like this:

export function decode (t, e) {
    for (var n, o, u = 0, l = 0, r = 0, d = [], h = 0, i = 0,
         a = null, c = Math.pow(10, e || 5) ; 
         u < t.length 
        ) {

        a = null, h = 0, i = 0

            a = t.charCodeAt(u++) - 63, i |= (31 & a) << h, h += 5;
        while (a >= 32)

        n = 1 & i ? ~(i >> 1) : i >> 1, h = i = 0

            a = t.charCodeAt(u++) - 63, i |= (31 & a) << h, h += 5;
        while (a >= 32)

        o = 1 & i ? ~(i >> 1) : i >> 1, l += n, r += o,
            d.push([l / c, r / c])
               function (t) {
                   return {latitude: t[0], longitude: t[1]}

// This feature is taken from

The response, which I store in the state:

    route: [decode(res)]

renderRoute (coordinates, i) {
    return (

render () {

    return (

So every time you update your status, your route is automatically updated.


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