KeyError in ORM code when annotating with Case and aggregating annotations into groups as follows

panda face

We had this problem in a very complex project, but I managed to reproduce it in a dummy project:

This is django 1.11.7 on python3.6 and postgres10:

from django.db import models

class Thing(models.Model):

    multiplierA = models.IntegerField()
    multiplierB = models.IntegerField()

class Data(models.Model):

    thing = models.ForeignKey('Thing')
    multiplier_choice = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=(('A', 'use multiplier A'), ('B', 'use multiplier B')))
    option = models.IntegerField(choices=((1, 'option 1'), (2, 'option 2')))
    percentage = models.FloatField()

from django.db.models import Case, F, FloatField, IntegerField, Sum, When
from django.test import TestCase

from .models import Data, Thing

class AnnotateTests(TestCase):

    def test_simple(self):

        thing = Thing.objects.create(multiplierA=2, multiplierB=3)

        Data.objects.create(thing=thing, multiplier_choice='A', option=1, percentage=0.2)
        Data.objects.create(thing=thing, multiplier_choice='A', option=2, percentage=0.3)
        Data.objects.create(thing=thing, multiplier_choice='A', option=3, percentage=0.1)

        Data.objects.create(thing=thing, multiplier_choice='B', option=1, percentage=0.1)
        Data.objects.create(thing=thing, multiplier_choice='B', option=2, percentage=0.4)
        Data.objects.create(thing=thing, multiplier_choice='B', option=3, percentage=0.5)

        whens = [
            When(multiplier_choice='A', then=F('thing__multiplierA')),
            When(multiplier_choice='B', then=F('thing__multiplierB'))

        multiplier_case = Case(*whens, output_field=IntegerField(), default=0)

        qs = (Data.objects
              # select only certain options to sum up for each thing:
              .filter(thing=thing, option__in=[1, 2])
              # select the correct multiplier
              # group by thing => sum of percentage * multiplier
              .annotate(amount_sum=Sum(F('percentage') * F('multiplier')))

        print(qs.values('thing__id', 'amount_sum'))

Running this test results in the following traceback:

ERROR: test_simple (annotate.tests.AnnotateTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/robin/src/ormweirdness/annotate/", line 34, in test_simple
    .annotate(amount_sum=Sum(F('percentage') * F('multiplier')))
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 945, in annotate
    clone.query.add_annotation(annotation, alias, is_summary=False)
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 973, in add_annotation
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 19, in resolve_expression
    c = super(Aggregate, self).resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize)
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 548, in resolve_expression
    c.source_expressions[pos] = arg.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save)
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 412, in resolve_expression
    c.rhs = c.rhs.resolve_expression(query, allow_joins, reuse, summarize, for_save)
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 471, in resolve_expression
    return query.resolve_ref(, allow_joins, reuse, summarize)
  File "/Users/robin/.virtualenvs/ormweirdness/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1472, in resolve_ref
    return self.annotation_select[name]
KeyError: 'multiplier'


I found someone on the django-users mailing list who also seems to have this problem . Unfortunately, no reply.

What's going on here?

panda face

While I still think the above should work (debugging in the ORM?), I've found that moving the multiplication into a Casestatement and using the statement Casedirectly in the statement Sumsolves the problem, since now there Sum's no need for comment lookups:

whens = [
    When(multiplier_choice='A', then=F('thing__multiplierA') * F('percentage')),
    When(multiplier_choice='B', then=F('thing__multiplierB') * F('percentage'))

multiplier_case = Case(*whens, output_field=FloatField(), default=0)

data_qs = (Data.objects
           # select only certain options to sum up for each thing:
           .filter(thing=thing, option__in=[1, 2])
           # group by thing => sum of percentage * multiplier

Generates the following SQL:

               WHEN "annotate_data"."multiplier_choice" = A THEN ("annotate_thing"."multiplierA" * "annotate_data"."percentage")
               WHEN "annotate_data"."multiplier_choice" = B THEN ("annotate_thing"."multiplierB" * "annotate_data"."percentage")
               ELSE 0
           END) AS "amount_sum"
FROM "annotate_data"
INNER JOIN "annotate_thing" ON ("annotate_data"."thing_id" = "annotate_thing"."id")
WHERE ("annotate_data"."thing_id" = 1
       AND "annotate_data"."option" IN (1,
GROUP BY "annotate_data"."thing_id"
ORDER BY "annotate_data"."thing_id" ASC

If someone finds a solution that doesn't mean repeating the whole calculation in every scenario (maybe a lot more complicated than what we're doing) When, I'll accept your answer as the solution :)


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Returns the user if the user follows each other by aggregating

Duck (First of all, explaining complicated things in English is not my forte. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible so that you might understand my question). I've recently started working on Mongoose for a node.js based web application I'm developing. Typic

Returns the user if the user follows each other by aggregating

Duck (First of all, explaining complicated things in English is not my forte. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible so that you might understand my question). I've recently started working on Mongoose for a node.js based web application I'm developing. Typic

Returns the user if the user follows each other by aggregating

Duck (First of all, explaining complicated things in English is not my forte. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible so that you might understand my question). I've recently started working on Mongoose for a node.js based web application I'm developing. Typic

Returns the user if the user follows each other by aggregating

Duck (First of all, explaining complicated things in English is not my forte. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible so that you might understand my question). I've recently started working on Mongoose for a node.js based web application I'm developing. Typic

Returns the user if the user follows each other by aggregating

Duck (First of all, explaining complicated things in English is not my forte. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible so that you might understand my question). I've recently started working on Mongoose for a node.js based web application I'm developing. Typic

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