dplyr case_when when across groups


i have df

df = data.frame(
    group = c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3)), 
    vt = c("SO:0001574", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001821")

and two vectors:

tier_1 = c("SO:0001574", "SO:0001575")
tier_2 = c("SO:0001821", "SO:0001822")

I want to produce an output:

  group         vt     ct
1     A SO:0001574 tier_1
2     A SO:0001619 tier_1
3     A SO:0001619 tier_1
4     B SO:0001619 tier_2
5     B SO:0001619 tier_2
6     B SO:0001821 tier_2

i.e. I want to generate a third column ct which is populated depending on the presence of the vt column in tier_1 or tier_2 so that all rows within a given group are populated with that tier type.

I tried:

df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(group) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(tier = dplyr::case_when(
        vt %in% tier_1 ~ "tier_1",
        vt %in% tier_2 ~ "tier_2"))

But this only populates a single row, not all rows in the group:

# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups:   group [2]
  group vt         ct     tier  
  <chr> <chr>      <chr>  <chr> 
1 A     SO:0001574 tier_1 tier_1
2 A     SO:0001619 tier_1 NA    
3 A     SO:0001619 tier_1 NA    
4 B     SO:0001619 tier_2 NA    
5 B     SO:0001619 tier_2 NA    
6 B     SO:0001821 tier_2 tier_2
Ronak Shah:

Wrap the code anyto get one logical value per group:


df %>%
 group_by(group) %>% 
 mutate(tier = case_when(
                any(vt %in% tier_1) ~ "tier_1",
                any(vt %in% tier_2) ~ "tier_2"))

#  group vt         tier  
#  <chr> <chr>      <chr> 
#1 A     SO:0001574 tier_1
#2 A     SO:0001619 tier_1
#3 A     SO:0001619 tier_1
#4 B     SO:0001619 tier_2
#5 B     SO:0001619 tier_2
#6 B     SO:0001821 tier_2


dplyr case_when when across groups

4galaxy7: i have df df = data.frame( group = c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3)), vt = c("SO:0001574", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001821") ) and two vectors: tier_1 = c("SO:0001574", "SO:0001575") tier_2 = c("SO:0001821"

dplyr case_when when across groups

4galaxy7: i have df df = data.frame( group = c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3)), vt = c("SO:0001574", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001619", "SO:0001821") ) and two vectors: tier_1 = c("SO:0001574", "SO:0001575") tier_2 = c("SO:0001821"

Evaluate in dplyr::case_when()

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Evaluate in dplyr::case_when()

tics Following the example given in the dplyr::case_when()documentation : x <- 1:50 case_when(x %% 35 == 0 ~ "fizz buzz", x %% 5 == 0 ~ "fizz", x %% 7 == 0 ~ "buzz", TRUE ~ as.character(x)) I expected this number 35to produce, "b

Using case_when with dplyr

James DeWeese I'm trying to convert mutate_at() to mutate() using dplyr's new "cross" function and am having some difficulty. In short, I need to compare the values in a range of columns to a "baseline" column. I need to use the baseline value when the value i

Using case_when with dplyr

James DeWeese I'm trying to convert mutate_at() to mutate() using dplyr's new "cross" function and am having some difficulty. In short, I need to compare the values in a range of columns to a "baseline" column. I need to use the baseline value when the value i

Evaluate in dplyr::case_when()

tics Following the example given in the dplyr::case_when()documentation : x <- 1:50 case_when(x %% 35 == 0 ~ "fizz buzz", x %% 5 == 0 ~ "fizz", x %% 7 == 0 ~ "buzz", TRUE ~ as.character(x)) I expected this number 35to produce, "b

Evaluate in dplyr::case_when()

tics Following the example given in the dplyr::case_when()documentation : x <- 1:50 case_when(x %% 35 == 0 ~ "fizz buzz", x %% 5 == 0 ~ "fizz", x %% 7 == 0 ~ "buzz", TRUE ~ as.character(x)) I expected this number 35to produce, "b

Using case_when with dplyr

James DeWeese I'm trying to convert mutate_at() to mutate() using dplyr's new "cross" function and am having some difficulty. In short, I need to compare the values in a range of columns to a "baseline" column. I need to use the baseline value when the value i

Using case_when with dplyr

James DeWeese I'm trying to convert mutate_at() to mutate() using dplyr's new "cross" function and am having some difficulty. In short, I need to compare the values in a range of columns to a "baseline" column. I need to use the baseline value when the value i

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Anthony W I have two dataframes: df1 <- data.frame(A = c(1, 2, 3), B = c(0,0,3), C = c(3,2,1)) df2 <- data.frame(A = c(0, 2, 4), B = c(1,0,3), C = c(0,1,4)) I would like to generate a third dataframe by comparing entries between equivalent named columns by a

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