How do I write a post method that accepts JSON in Nancy, and how do I call it from a C# client?


I wrote the following module in Nancy

    public class CategoryModule : NancyModule
    public CategoryModule()
        //At this moment just Show Hello world
        Get["/"] = _ => { return "Nancy says hello!"; };
        //Get["/"] = parameters => "Hello World!";

     void GetCategories()
        Get["/Catergories"] = _ =>

            var catergoryRepository = new CategoryRepository();
            var categorycollection = catergoryRepository.GetCategoryInfo();
            return Negotiate.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.OK).WithModel(categorycollection.ToArray());

     void SetCategory()
         Post["/Catergories/{categryName:string}"] = _ =>
             var catergoryModel = this.Bind<Category>();
             catergoryModel.PK_CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid();
             catergoryModel.CategoryName = _;
             return HttpStatusCode.OK;

I am using chrome POSTMAN to test the module. If I call in POSTMAN, I can get breakpoints in "GetCategories()" . But if I call, I ca n't get the breakpoint in SetCategory() . I'm new to Nancy and not sure if my method of posting is correct.

anyone can provide

  1. Example of Post method accepting Jason as parameter
  2. Example of calling it from client

I couldn't find the simple example above in their documentation.


I'm hosting Nancy's self-hosted environment with the following code

var server = new Nancy.Hosting.Self.NancyHost(new Uri(""));

Below is the category model

    public class Category
    public Guid PK_CategoryId { get; set; }
    public string CategoryName { get; set; }

Roman Dubicin

If you want to use POSTMAN to post JSON, you should add the JSON-Content-Type header as described in the documentation (third paragraph). Set up POSTMAN:

  1. Set the host to, select POST.
  2. Add headers with Content-Typeand application/jsonas header and value respectively.
  3. Set rawand set JSONto type.
  4. Put it in { "CategoryName": "something" }the text field below.
  5. Click "Send".


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