How can i create a second image instead of filling like words


I have the code below. I use this to use 1 image and use the "rel" and "title" tags to fill in the words to display with the actual image. This will create a banner-like system that uses text instead of all images. Right now, what I'm trying to do is populate the image with a "rel" tag; however, don't know how to modify this javascript code to do this.

<img title="This is a title that will appear as text above the image" rel="image1" alt="SEO Image 1" src="../images/backdrop2.png">

As you can see, rel is equal to all it needs to do is use that to make...

<img class="something" src="images/image1.png">

All it does is populate that 1 position with the word in "rel" and it automatically populates the rest of the code.

<script type="text/javascript">
  jQuery(function( $ ){

    var efx  = "fade", // "slide" || "fade"
            animationTime = 600,
            pauseTime = 4000,
      $gal = $("#images_holder"),
        $mov = $("#moving_part"),
        $sli = $mov.find("> div"),
        $btn = $("#prev, #next"),
            $dsc = $("#description"),
            $wrd = $("#word"),
            w = $gal.width(),
            n = $sli.length,
            c = 0,  // Counter // Start index
            itv;    // Interval

    // SETUP (fade or slide?)
    if(efx==="fade") $sli.css({position:"absolute", left:0}).fadeOut(0).eq(c).fadeIn(0);

    function populateWord() {
        $wrd.text( $sli.eq(c).find("img").attr("rel") );

    function populateDescription() {
        $dsc.text( $sli.eq(c).find("img").attr("title") );

    function anim() {
        c = c<0 ? n-1 : c%n; // loop-back if exceedds
        if (efx==="fade") {
        }else if(efx==="slide") {
            $mov.stop().animate({left: -c*w});

    function auto() {
        itv = setInterval(function(){
        }, pauseTime);

    function pause() {
        return clearInterval( itv );

  $gal.hover(pause, auto);

    $btn.on("click", function(){
        c ="next" ? ++c : --c;


function populateWord() {
    var src = 'images/'+$sli.eq(c).find("img").attr("rel")+'.png';
    $wrd.html('<img class="something" src="'+src+'">');


How can i create a second image instead of filling like words

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How can i create a second image instead of filling like words

Kady I have the code below. I use this to use 1 image and use the "rel" and "title" tags to fill in the words to display with the actual image. This will create a banner-like system that uses text instead of all images. Right now, what I'm trying to do is popu

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