How can I change the x-axis limits in the contour plot?

Kunal Singhal

I want my plot to also show 7000 on the x-axis, since there are more than 6000 values ​​in the data.

I try to use, set_xlim(right = 7000)but an error pops up

'QuadContourSet' object has no attribute 'set_xlim'

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def contour_plot(filename):

# Reading the porosity data from the dat file

    data = (np.loadtxt("filename"))
    # Making two empty lists to account for the size of each grid block

    for i in range(0,54):

    for j in range(0,44):
    # Using pyplot.contourf() to make contours using the porosity values and 
    pyplot.colorbar() to show the chart for correlation

    plt.contourf(x1, x2, data[::-1])
    plot.set_xlim(right = 7000)


You need to use subplots if you use them ax.set_xlim(), or you can use a single plot using the documentation here .plt.xlim()

For subplots:

ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.contourf(x1, x2, data[::-1])

or in your case:

plt.contourf(x1, x2, data[::-1])


How can I change the x-axis limits in the contour plot?

Kunal Singhal I want my plot to also show 7000 on the x-axis, since there are more than 6000 values in the data. I try to use, set_xlim(right = 7000)but an error pops up 'QuadContourSet' object has no attribute 'set_xlim' import numpy as np import matplotlib.p

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Maria friends! Today, I want to ask my next question - how to change the points on the X axis? See what I have. chart1.Series[0].Points.Clear(); chart1.Series[0].Color = Color.Red; chart1.Series[0].BorderWidth = 2; ... for (double i = step; i <= T; i += step)