How to pass additional parameters to Ajax response when sending request


I have a jquery function that iterates through an array and calls a servlet for each iteration. How can I make sure that each servlet's response reaches the corresponding div section. The div ID is unique and corresponds to the val in the array.


function foo() {

  for (var p in obj) {

    var tagId = obj[p]["prop1"];

    $.get('CallServlet', {
      json: JSON.stringify(obj[p])
    }, function(response) {
      $("#" + tagId).append(response);



tagId= obj[0][val1];

I want to respond:

<div id="tagId"></div>

In the above function, the value of tagId in the response will be overwritten as the iterator traverses the object. When I receive the response obj[0], the tagId will be updated toobj[1][val1]

Abdullahman Alam

You need to wrap it with an IIFE function

function foo() {

  for (var p in obj) {

    var tagId = obj[p]["prop1"];
    (function(id) {
      $.get('CallServlet', {
        json: JSON.stringify(obj[p])
      }, function(response) {
        printFunc(responseText, id);



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Andy Hoffman I am useSelectorsuccessfully calling from a component which derives the product name from the id. const productId = 25; // whatever const productName = useSelector( (state) => state.dashboard.dashboards.filter( ({ Id }) => Id === prod

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Jacobdo I am using FormData to upload images and I cannot pass other parameters through it. I want all ajax calls to fall on the same script (ie ajax.php) and execute part of the script based on other parameters passed. My ajax call looks like this: $(document

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Andy Hoffman I am useSelectorsuccessfully calling from a component which derives the product name from the id. const productId = 25; // whatever const productName = useSelector( (state) => state.dashboard.dashboards.filter( ({ Id }) => Id === prod

How to pass additional parameters to useSelector

Andy Hoffman I am useSelectorsuccessfully calling from a component which derives the product name from the id. const productId = 25; // whatever const productName = useSelector( (state) => state.dashboard.dashboards.filter( ({ Id }) => Id === prod

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username I am making an ajax call like this: util.AjaxCall(url,successCallbackFunction,errorCallbackFunction); function successCallbackFunction(result){ //Ajax returns result } Everything works fine except I have to pass one of my own parameters to be use