Secure connection using x509 certificate


I created the CA certificate with the secret private key I generated and added it to each host's Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

I then receive a certificate request from that host and sign it with my private key, defining an expiration date.

And I guess it's fine when I request hosting too (his certificate is verified by my CA, which is trusted), but what happens when he requests me?


I created the CA certificate with the secret private key I generated and added it to each host's Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

So you are a CA.

I then receive a certificate request from that host and sign it with my private key, defining an expiration date.

Again, you are the CA.

And I guess it's fine when I request hosting too (his certificate is verified by my CA, which is trusted), but what happens when he requests me?

The CA does not make requests to the host. So at this point you are no longer the CA, you must be the client. So, as a client, you receive a CertificateRequest specifying acceptable CAs, and, if you have a certificate signed by those CAs, reply with that certificate. If you don't, you won't reply at all. If the server needs a certificate but doesn't get one, it will close the connection at that point.


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