Pandas fillna empty dictionary


I have a pandas dataframe with a column "metadata" which should contain a dictionary as values. However, some values ​​are missing and set to NaN. I want to change to {}. Sometimes the whole column is lost and initializing it to {} is also problematic.

for adding columns

tspd['metadata'] = {} # fails
tspd['metadata'] = [{} for _ in tspd.index] # works

used to fill in missing values

tspd['metadata'].replace(np.nan,{}) # does nothing
tspd['metadata'].fillna({})  # likewise does nothing
tspd.loc[tspd['metadata'].isna(), 'metadata'] = {} # error
tspd['metadata'] = tspd['metadata'].where(~tspd['metadata'].isna(), other={}) # this sets the NaN values to <built-in method values of dict object>

So adding that column works, but it's a bit cumbersome. It seems that the values ​​cannot be replaced without some (slow) looping.


You can use np.nan == np.nanis False, so missing values ​​can be replaced:

tspd = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0,1,2], 'metadata':[{'a':'s'}, np.nan, {'d':'e'}]})

tspd['metadata'] = tspd['metadata'].apply(lambda x: {} if x != x else x)

   a    metadata
0  0  {'a': 's'}
1  1          {}
2  2  {'d': 'e'}


tspd['metadata'] = [{} if x != x else x for x in tspd['metadata']]


Pandas fillna empty dictionary

Sander I have a pandas dataframe with a column "metadata" which should contain a dictionary as values. However, some values are missing and set to NaN. I want to change to {}. Sometimes the whole column is lost and initializing it to {} is also problematic. fo

Pandas fillna empty dictionary

Sander I have a pandas dataframe with a column "metadata" which should contain a dictionary as values. However, some values are missing and set to NaN. I want to change to {}. Sometimes the whole column is lost and initializing it to {} is also problematic. fo

Pandas fillna empty dictionary

Sander I have a pandas dataframe with a column "metadata" which should contain a dictionary as values. However, some values are missing and set to NaN. I want to change to {}. Sometimes the whole column is lost and initializing it to {} is also problematic. fo

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