Avoid annotating all methods with @ResponseBody

Gabriel Sanmartin

I am creating a REST api where I am returning domain objects as JSON entities.

So far I'm creating a controller where for each method I have to annotate it like this:

@RequestMapping(value="/entity/{id}", produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8", method=RequestMethod.GET)    
public String getEntity(@PathVariable Long id)

Since all my methods in that controller are JSON entities, is there any way to imply to spring that I want all methods to return @ResponseBodyobjects? Also, I had to comment, produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8"because otherwise the objects returned would have the wrong encoding (and they wouldn't be returned as JSON). Can I also do this for all methods without having to annotate every method?

Michał Rybak

You can use @RequestMappingwith producesat the type (class) level - for me it works without problems:

@RequestMapping(value = "/foo", produces = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
public class FooController { ... }

However, as you can see from the definition, it can only be applied at the method level in Spring 3.x.@ResponseBody

EDIT: As pointed out by @Prancer, as of v4.0 Spring supports @ResponseBodythis at the type level .


Avoid annotating all methods with @ResponseBody

Gabriel Sanmartin I am creating a REST api where I am returning domain objects as JSON entities. So far I'm creating a controller where for each method I have to annotate it like this: @RequestMapping(value="/entity/{id}", produces = "application/json; charset

Avoid annotating all methods with @ResponseBody

Gabriel Sanmartin I am creating a REST api where I am returning domain objects as JSON entities. So far I am creating a controller where I have to annotate each method like this: @RequestMapping(value="/entity/{id}", produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8

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