AFNetwork with self-signed certificate

give him the cd

I'm trying to setup a self-signed SSL certificate for an IOS app with a REST backend.

My question is when should I use [securityPolicy setAllowInvalidCertificates:YES]; when to use self-signed certificates? No and don't have a trusted certificate?

I don't understand the exact mechanism, but it took me hours to read about SSL. It is used with setAllowInvalidCertificates:YES, otherwise you will get a 1012 error.


Yes, you should set [securityPolicy setAllowInvalidCertificates:YES]; when using self-signed certificates. Correct; you should use No for trusted certificates.

If you set it to "No", you may still get an error because part of the certificate chain is not trusted. Try an app called SSL Detective to make sure the whole chain isn't trusted by any red (untrusted) components. AFNetworking doesn't like these.


AFNetwork with self-signed certificate

give him the cd I'm trying to setup a self-signed SSL certificate for an IOS app with a REST backend. My question is when should I use [securityPolicy setAllowInvalidCertificates:YES]; when to use self-signed certificates? No and don't have a trusted certifica

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