Bootstrap toggle doesn't work after ajax loaded


I am using ajax load to get some content on a page. I am using bootstrap 3 and bootstrap switch. The bootstrap 3 content works fine when loading the content (you can clearly see the panel panel-primary). But the bootloader content doesn't get loaded (you can only see some checkboxes). Does annyone know how to make it work? Or should I be aware of some other toggle switch? If so which one?

EDIT: I haven't tested out the event binding as I can't get the bootstrap toggle CSS to work on Ajax loaded code. Is event binding independent of CSS?

  1. Script used by main html code (script loaded with ajax)
  2. main HTML code
  3. The main HTML code loads the code into a div

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          // Set $this for re-use. Set target from data attribute
          var $this = $(this),
            target = $'target');       
            alert("target: " + target)
          // Load target page into container
          container.load(target + '.html', function (response, status, xhr) {});
          // Stop normal link behavior
          return false;
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            <h3 class="panel-title">Switches</h3>
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Wesley Smith

Make sure bootstrap-toggle js files and css files are loaded correctly. Specifically check that they are where the link points to, or even use the CDN version listed below:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

Your path must be wrong or you forgot to include the js file completely and you should see a warning about this in the console because otherwise the code works fine.

About dynamically loaded content.

The first element works because after the first load of the html, bootstrap-toggle.min.jsall elements with that attribute are looked up and data-toggle="toggle"then called .bootstrapToggle()to apply the plugin. This only happens when the page loads.

If you add more toggles later, you will need to initialize it by yourself .bootstrapToggle(). I've updated the example below to simulate adding toggles dynamically and illustrate the approach I would take. See the comments in the code for more details.

      // timeout to simulate ajax
   // add an element dynamically,
  $('.table').append('<tr><td>Testswitch0</td><td><label><input type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle" data-onstyle="success" id="S2" data-size="mini"></label></td></tr>');
    // now that we have dynamically loaded elements
    // we need to initialize any toggles that were added
    // you shouldn't re-initialize any toggles already present
    // but we also do want to have to figure out how to find the ones we added
    // instead, we'll destroy all toggles and recreate all new ones
}, 2000)
<script src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="panel panel-primary" id="switchespanel">
  <div class="panel-heading">
    <h3 class="panel-title">Switches</h3>
  <div class="panel-body">
    <table class="table">
            <input type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle" data-onstyle="success" id="S0" data-size="mini">
            <input type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle" data-onstyle="success" id="S1" data-size="mini">


Bootstrap toggle doesn't work after ajax loaded

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Lord Yule Lyle The toggle button doesn't show the collapsed element and I don't know why. After resizing the window, the toggle button shows up, but when pressed nothing happens. This is my first time using Bootstrap, so I may have made some very obvious and r

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

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Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

Lord Yule Lyle The toggle button doesn't show the collapsed element and I don't know why. After resizing the window, the toggle button shows up, but when pressed nothing happens. This is my first time using Bootstrap, so I may have made some very obvious and r

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

Lord Yule Lyle The toggle button doesn't show the collapsed element and I don't know why. After resizing the window, the toggle button shows up, but when pressed nothing happens. This is my first time using Bootstrap, so I may have made some very obvious and r

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

Lord Yule Lyle The toggle button doesn't show the collapsed element and I don't know why. After resizing the window, the toggle button shows up, but when pressed nothing happens. This is my first time using Bootstrap, so I may have made some very obvious and r

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

Lord Yule Lyle The toggle button doesn't show the collapsed element and I don't know why. After resizing the window, the toggle button shows up, but when pressed nothing happens. This is my first time using Bootstrap, so I may have made some very obvious and r

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

Bootstrap toggle button doesn't work

ACSND I haven't been able to get my bootstrap toggle button to display the menu items "What do we do", "About" or "Contact" when clicked. It folds fine, but when clicked it won't work. I've tried as many things as I can but can't figure it out. <!--Logo-->

Form in Ajax loaded content doesn't work

who dr I have a page that loads content from other files (content.php)into a div that reloads every 5 seconds. In the content.php file I am using a form (simple HTML without javascript). When I access the file directly, ( form works,