Which event will fire after all items are loaded and displayed in the ListView?


Which event will fire after all items are loaded and displayed in WPF ListView? I try to optimize displaying many items in ListView. The Items are populated in the ListView with the following code:

List<Artist> selectedArtistsList;
//Code to fill selectedArtistsList with about 6,000 items not shown here
CollectionViewSource selection1ViewSource = ((CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("selection1Source")));
Stopwatch stopWatch1 = new Stopwatch();
selection1ViewSource.Source = selectedArtistsList;
Debug.Print("Time used: {0}ms", stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

When running this code, I see "use time 119ms" or something like that. However, it takes about 3+ seconds before I can see the items in the ListView on the screen. Will the event fire after the ListView is loaded into Items? I'm interested in measuring when a ListView is ready for the user.


Thanks for your opinion. I found a solution. After Nick Baker's comment, I googled Dispatcher.Invoke. After reading and testing I found this page

WPF: run code after window rendering is complete http://geekswithblogs.net/ilich/archive/2012/10/16/running-code-when-windows-rendering-is-completed.aspx

Then, change the code to the following (not the complete code, just the relevant part):

private void Work(){
    List<Artist> selectedArtistsList;
    //Code to fill selectedArtistsList with about 6,000 items not shown here
    CollectionViewSource selection1ViewSource = ((CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("selection1Source")));
    selection1ViewSource.Source = selectedArtistsList;
    Debug.Print("After setting Source: {0}ms", stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(RenderingDone), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, null);

Stopwatch stopWatch1 = new Stopwatch();
private void RenderingDone() {
    Debug.Print("After rendering is done: {0}ms", stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

After running this command I see: After setting source: 124ms After rendering complete: 2273ms

The last line appears after rendering is complete and shows the correct time. This is exactly what I want.


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