Getting 404 error for JSONP Get request when deploying on IIS

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I am using jquery AJAX with data type jsonp. In a local development environment with a lot of data it works fine. However, when I deploy it on IIS, it only works fine for requests with length less than 2121 characters, and gives a 404 error for characters above 2121 characters.

I also search for too long url error, for too long url it should give 414 error code.

I also used the following commands in web.config but nothing improved

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="8192" executionTimeout="180" />

Let me know where I am going wrong.

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After long research I fixed it, it was not related to Asp.Net configuration but IIS configuration, here is the solution


-> Click on My Sites under Sites in the Connections pane on the left

-> Double click on "Request Filtering" (under IIS in the main content pane)

-> In the right pane, under Actions, click Edit Feature Settings

->Increased "Max URL Length" and "Max Query String" in the results popup


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