What's the best way to get Bootstrap popover content using Ajax?


I'm developing a WordPress plugin that displays a "special button" on the front end via a WordPress shortcode. I'm using Bootstrap 4, the buttons use Bootstrap popovers, I need to retrieve/get the popover title and content from the database without refreshing the page, so I need to use Ajax. I read that using async Ajax calls is deprecated (it slows down the page) So what is the best way to use Ajax with Bootstrap popups?

Edit: After Alex_89's reply, I wrote:

$( document ).ready( function() {
    // read EDIT 2 for working version...
} );

EDIT 2: ...after several tests it seems to work now!

$( document ).ready( function() {
    let buttons_with_popover = $( 'button[data-gdpr-popover="true"]' );

    buttons_with_popover.popover( {
        container: 'div.my-container',
        html: true,
        placement: 'top',
        title: '<div class="d-flex justify-content-between font-weight-bolder"><span class="header-text">Please wait...</span><span class="close-popover float-right ml-3"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></span></div>',
        content: '<div class="d-flex justify-content-center"><div class="spinner-border text-success" role="status"><span class="sr-only">Loading...</span></div></div>',
        trigger: 'click'
    } );

    buttons_with_popover.on( 'shown.bs.popover', function () {
        $( '.close-popover' ).on( 'click', function () {
            buttons_with_popover.popover( 'hide' );
        } );

        let this_button = $( this );
        this_button.data( 'popover_id', this_button.attr( 'aria-describedby' ) );
        let popover_id = this_button.data( 'popover_id' );
        let popover_header_text = $( '#' + popover_id + ' h3.popover-header span.header-text' );
        let popover_body = $( '#' + popover_id + ' div.popover-body' );

        $.ajax( {
            type: 'post',
            url: ajax.url,
            data: {
                action: 'queries_database',
                _nonce: ajax.nonce,
            success: function ( queried_data ) {
                let options = $.parseJSON( queried_data ).options;

                popover_header_text.html( options.popover_title );
                popover_body.html( '<div><p class="text-justify">' + options.popover_body + '</p></div>' );

                this_button.popover( 'update' );
            error: function () {
                popover_body.html( '<p class="text-warning">Ops! Something is wrong... <i class="far fa-tired"></i></p>' );
        } );
    } );

    buttons_with_popover.on( 'hidden.bs.popover', function () {
        $( 'div.ccwhatsapp-container .popover' ).remove();
    } );

} );

Here is a snippet of a simple AJAX request that displays the result in a Bootstrap Popover . It should serve as an example of what you want to achieve. By the way, I don't know who would say that asynchronous AJAX requests are a bad practice, let alone deprecated. As @Damocles told you, this is completely wrong.

query code:

$(document).ready(function() {  
    let popoverBtn = $("#popover-button");
    let dataProviderURL = "url-to-your-wp-data-provider-function";

        title: "your-popover-title",
        placement: "top",
        html: true,
        content: "<div id='popover-body'><img src='path-to-your-preloader' alt='Loading...'></div>"

    popoverBtn.on("shown.bs.popover", function () {
        $(".popover-close-btn").click(function () {

        let popoverTitle = $(".popover-header");
        let popoverBody = $(".popover-body");

            url: dataProviderURL,
            type: "GET",
            data: {id: "some-identifier-for-the-data-you-want-to-retrieve"},
            success: function (result) {
            error: function () {
                popoverBody.html("<em class='text-danger'>some-error-message.</em>");

In this snippet, the initial content in the popover body is a preloader , which is an animated icon to indicate that data is being loaded (it's always a good practice to provide some feedback to the user), but it 's not required . You can leave it blank. I recommend checking out the Popper.js documentation for the different events you can attach functions to .


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