Force the terminal emulator to read .bash_logout (or .logout, etc.)


Searching failed me.

I noticed that some terminal emulators (gnome-terminal, terminator, maybe others) don't execute my logout file. Works fine in a virtual terminal, but not through an emulator.

I looked at the man page (for the emulator), but there doesn't seem to be an option to force a logout file.

is it possible?

Julio Noble

According to the bash manual:

When the login shell exits, bash reads and executes commands from the ~/.bash_logout and /etc/bash.bash_logout files (if they exist).

So execute when bash_logoutthe login shell exits . It could be that the emulator doesn't have a login shell open, you can make some configuration changes on the client to make sure it loads the login shell every time.

Alternatively, you can use -lor open a new shell --loginwhich will load a login shell for you.


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