Patched Java 9 Module Test Code Working and Thinking


How can I add my tests to my production code during a pilot run so that both are the same Java 9 module and can access each other using reflection?

So far I have tried:

  • Removed Java Modularity 9 (actually → it worked perfectly, but not what I was looking for.
  • Moved the dedicated module I tested (and therefore also the package) → it worked perfectly, but not what I was looking for. (I guess my unit tests are close to my code.)
  • Using --patch-moduleto other folders is almost added (to a specified use --module-path) → it works with "normal" code, but not with reflection, it doesn't find the specified class --module-path.
    • Use Specify both my test and production code --patch-module→ find only classes in the folder I specified first.
    • Adding it explicitly --add-opens mymodule/mypackge=mymoduleor ...=ALL-UNNAMEDturning it on for reflection → doesn't seem to make any difference.

So my full test route is:

java \
  --patch-module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule=ModuleInfoTest:ModuleInfoExample \
  --module-path ModuleInfoExample \
  --add-opens com.stackoverflow.examplemodule/com.stackoverflow.examplepackage=com.stackoverflow.examplemodule \
  --add-opens com.stackoverflow.examplemodule/com.stackoverflow.examplepackage=ALL-UNNAMED \
  --module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule/com.stackoverflow.examplepackage.Main

I am in a directory containing the following subdirectories and files:

  • ModuleInfoExample /模块info.class
  • ModuleInfoExample/com/calculator/examplepackage/Main.class
  • ModuleInfoTest/com/calculator/examplepackage/AnyClass.class

I am using:

openjdk version "13.0.2" 2020-01-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 13.0.2+8)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 13.0.2+8, mixed mode, sharing)

As I learned from the approved answer, my problem wasn't really " accessing other classes", as I put it. But prefer to find them (by scanning classpath/ModulePath). However, this other StackOverflow question has been answered in part .


From Java 13 java commands these are the two options you are trying to use:

--add-opens module/package=target-module(,target-module)*
--patch-module module=file(;file)*


  • --add-opensBecause it opens up a module, other modules don't help you. You only have one module.
  • --patch-moduleThe directory (or in jarfiles) to patch into the module must be specified. I noticed that there is one you ;don't :like to use. It seems to me that you have told java to patch files from the same directory where your module is there :ModuleInfoExample.

You just need to add the file from ModuleInfoTest/to your module. I generated the structure from your question and ran it:


javac -d target/ModuleInfoExample src/ModuleInfoExample/*.java src/ModuleInfoExample/com/stackoverflow/examplepackage/*.java
javac -cp target/ModuleInfoExample -d target/ModuleInfoTest src/ModuleInfoTest/com/stackoverflow/examplepackage/*.java

Run main from module - no added class:

java --module-path target/ModuleInfoExample --module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule/com.stackoverflow.examplepackage.Main

Hello world - I'm private

Running AnyClass from module - no class added - exception expected

java --module-path target/ModuleInfoExample --module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule/com.stackoverflow.examplepackage.AnyClass

Error: Could not find or load main class com.stackoverflow.examplepackage.AnyClass in module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule

Run AnyClass from a module - add AnyClass to the package:

java --module-path target/ModuleInfoExample --patch-module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule=target/ModuleInfoTest --module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule/com.stackoverflow.examplepackage.AnyClass

Inside AnyClass - calling Main: Hello world - I'm private

  field.get() = I'm private
  field.get() = I'm not private anymore

General structure:

>tree /f
¦   +---ModuleInfoExample
¦   ¦   ¦
¦   ¦   ¦
¦   ¦   +---com
¦   ¦       +---stackoverflow
¦   ¦           +---examplepackage
¦   ¦         
¦   ¦
¦   +---ModuleInfoTest
¦       +---com
¦           +---stackoverflow
¦               +---examplepackage
    ¦   ¦   module-info.class
    ¦   ¦
    ¦   +---com
    ¦       +---stackoverflow
    ¦           +---examplepackage
    ¦                   Main.class

SRC \ ModuleInfoExample \

module com.stackoverflow.examplemodule {
//  exports com.stackoverflow.examplepackage; // no need to export. Nothing is using this


package com.stackoverflow.examplepackage;

public class Main {
  private String privateString = "I'm private";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Main().hello();
  public void hello(){
    System.out.println("Hello world - " + privateString);


package com.stackoverflow.examplepackage;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class AnyClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

  public static void testhello(){
    System.out.print("Inside AnyClass - calling Main: ");
    Main test = new Main();

  public static void breakhello(){
    try {
      // Not necessary - same package, but..
      Class<?> mainClass = Class.forName("com.stackoverflow.examplepackage.Main");
      Constructor<?> constructor = mainClass.getConstructor();
      Object main = constructor.newInstance();

      // Getting, printing and changing the field..
      Field field = mainClass.getDeclaredField("privateString");
      System.out.println("  field.get() = " + field.get(main));
      field.set(main,"I'm not private anymore");
      System.out.println("  field.get() = " + field.get(main));

    } catch (Exception e) {  // Sorry, all in one big bucket
       System.out.println("Error: " + e);


Patched Java 9 Module Test Code Working and Thinking

itching: How can I add my tests to my production code during a pilot run so that both are the same Java 9 module and can access each other using reflection? So far I have tried: Removed Java Modularity 9 (actually → it worked perfectly, but n

Patched Java 9 Module Test Code Working and Thinking

itching: How can I add my tests to my production code during a pilot run so that both are the same Java 9 module and can access each other using reflection? So far I have tried: Removed Java Modularity 9 (actually → it worked perfectly, but n

Patched Java 9 Module Test Code Working and Thinking

itching: How can I add my tests to my production code during a pilot run so that both are the same Java 9 module and can access each other using reflection? So far I have tried: Removed Java Modularity 9 (actually → it worked perfectly, but n

Patched Java 9 Module Test Code Working and Thinking

itching: How can I add my tests to my production code during a pilot run so that both are the same Java 9 module and can access each other using reflection? So far I have tried: Removed Java Modularity 9 (actually → it worked perfectly, but n

Patched Java 9 Module Test Code Working and Thinking

itching: How can I add my tests to my production code during a pilot run so that both are the same Java 9 module and can access each other using reflection? So far I have tried: Removed Java Modularity 9 (actually → it worked perfectly, but n

Java 9 module test error

amkz: I have written a Java 9 module application with Maven and now I am trying to add test cases. I am getting this error when trying mvn clean installthe whole project : [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:test

Java 9 module test error

amkz: I have written a Java 9 module application with Maven and now I am trying to add test cases. I am getting this error when trying mvn clean installthe whole project : [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:test

Java 9 module test error

amkz: I have written a Java 9 module application with Maven and now I am trying to add test cases. I am getting this error when trying mvn clean installthe whole project : [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:test

Why is my Java9 module service not working?

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Why is my Java9 module service not working?

Pengfei Zhang: --------------------------------------------- package org.zpf.service; public interface Services { void test(); } module org.zpf.service.Services { exports org.zpf.service; } --------------------------------------------- package org.zpf.

Why is my Java9 module service not working?

Pengfei Zhang: --------------------------------------------- package org.zpf.service; public interface Services { void test(); } module org.zpf.service.Services { exports org.zpf.service; } --------------------------------------------- package org.zpf.

Why is my Java9 module service not working?

Pengfei Zhang: --------------------------------------------- package org.zpf.service; public interface Services { void test(); } module org.zpf.service.Services { exports org.zpf.service; } --------------------------------------------- package org.zpf.

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Is there a JMS module for Java 9 JPMS?

klr8 : When using the Java 9 Platform Module System (JPMS), I can't find a module that includes this javax.jmspackage . Replacing the deprecated JPMS module with the Java EE API lists several replacements for the JEE API, but not JMS. There are several jars th

Gradle Java 9 module not found

BeJay I try to develop a small example in Java 9 using Gradle. But I can't find the option to make the job run configuration correct. I have tried to copy the correct part from this little tutorial . But running the task does give an error java.lang.module.Fin

Is there a JMS module for Java 9 JPMS?

klr8 : When using the Java 9 Platform Module System (JPMS), I can't find a module that includes this javax.jmspackage . Replacing the deprecated JPMS module with the Java EE API lists several replacements for the JEE API, but not JMS. There are several jars th

Java 9 with Maven - Module not found

RuntimeError I am migrating our project from Java 8 to Java 9. Using: IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.5 Maven version: 3.5.1 So far I have created module-info.javafor all the modules I want to migrate . Here, it requiresworks well with java.base. But none of all other ex

Java 9 automatic module not found

pinpinokio : I am trying to define a Java 9 module. I have defined like this: module { } Then, a lot of my files started giving me errors that they couldn't find some packages. Then I used IntelliJ's auto help feature and added it to my module

Is there a JMS module for Java 9 JPMS?

klr8 : When using the Java 9 Platform Module System (JPMS), I can't find a module that includes this javax.jmspackage . Replacing the deprecated JPMS module with the Java EE API lists several replacements for the JEE API, but not JMS. There are several jars th

Is there a JMS module for Java 9 JPMS?

klr8 : When using the Java 9 Platform Module System (JPMS), I can't find a module that includes this javax.jmspackage . Replacing the deprecated JPMS module with the Java EE API lists several replacements for the JEE API, but not JMS. There are several jars th

Gradle Java 9 module not found

BeJay I try to develop a small example in Java 9 using Gradle. But I can't find the option to make the job run configuration correct. I have tried to copy the correct part from this little tutorial . But running the task does give an error java.lang.module.Fin

Java 9 with Maven - Module not found

RuntimeError I am migrating our project from Java 8 to Java 9. Using: IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.5 Maven version: 3.5.1 So far I have created module-info.javafor all the modules I want to migrate . Here, it requiresworks well with java.base. But none of all other ex

Java 9 - cannot resolve to module

Yassine Badache Very simple use case, I'm using Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.3a which includes Java 9 support . I have two projects that are Java 9 projects: - projectOne | - src | - | - com | - package1 | - first | Classificator.jav