How to get the size of a pixel cluster in R


I have a picture in 2 colors. Red pixels are clustered. I would like to know the maximum size of each cluster to compare with an acceptable tolerance. How to do it? Is there a function to execute?

enter image description here

Alan Cameron

For this kind of image analysis, you can check out EBImage:


Your workflow might look like this. First, load the package and read in the image. We'll also show it to show we're on the right track:


dots <- readImage("")
display(dots, method = "raster")

enter image description here

Now we can use the computeFeaturesfunctions to get the centroid and maximum diameter of each cluster:

dots_bw <- getFrame(dots, 1)
labelled_dots <- bwlabel(dots_bw)
df <-[, 1:2],
                          computeFeatures.shape(labelled_dots)[, 5:6]))
#> s.radius.min s.radius.max
#> 1  65.73316  25.69588    11.095535     40.69698
#> 2 156.24181 129.77241    19.377341     33.83485
#> 3 483.60853 155.23006     9.419478     16.28808
#> 4 277.21467 409.62152    20.411710     28.77508
#> 5 397.36817 607.47749     8.424518     18.53617
#> 6 224.93790 623.28266     8.530353     15.26678

Now, we want to find out which dimension matches which blob, so let's draw a raster in ggplot and write the maximum pixel dimension above each blob.

img_df <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(as.raster(as.array(dots))))

ggplot(img_df, aes(Var1, Var2, fill = value)) + 
  geom_raster() +
  scale_fill_identity() +
  scale_y_reverse() +
  geom_text(inherit.aes = FALSE, data = df, color = "white",
            aes(x =, y =, label = round(s.radius.max, 1))) +

enter image description here

If you want the total number of pixels instead of the maximum diameter (in pixels), you can also start withcomputeFeatures


How to get the size of a pixel cluster in R

Laurent I have a picture in 2 colors. Red pixels are clustered. I would like to know the maximum size of each cluster to compare with an acceptable tolerance. How to do it? Is there a function to execute? Alan Cameron For this kind of image analysis, you can c

How to get the size of a pixel cluster in R

Laurent I have a picture in 2 colors. Red pixels are clustered. I would like to know the maximum size of each cluster to compare with an acceptable tolerance. How to do it? Is there a function to execute? Alan Cameron For this kind of image analysis, you can c

How to get the size of a pixel cluster in R

Laurent I have a picture in 2 colors. Red pixels are clustered. I would like to know the maximum size of each cluster to compare with an acceptable tolerance. How to do it? Is there a function to execute? Alan Cameron For this kind of image analysis, you can c

How to get the size of a pixel cluster in R

Laurent I have a picture in 2 colors. Red pixels are clustered. I would like to know the maximum size of each cluster to compare with an acceptable tolerance. How to do it? Is there a function to execute? Alan Cameron For this kind of image analysis, you can c

How to get the size of a pixel cluster in R

Laurent I have a picture in 2 colors. Red pixels are clustered. I would like to know the maximum size of each cluster to compare with an acceptable tolerance. How to do it? Is there a function to execute? Alan Cameron For this kind of image analysis, you can c

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username I am using sklearn DBSCAN to cluster data as follows. #Apply DBSCAN (sims == my data as list of lists) db1 = DBSCAN(min_samples=1, metric='precomputed').fit(sims) db1_labels = db1.labels_ db1n_clusters_ = len(set(db1_labels)) - (1 if -1 in db1_labels

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Sushmit Chakraborty I am learning Google Maps in JavaScript. I'm following the tutorial code and so far I have a map with some markers clustered on zoom out. Here is the code - <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.

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Sushmit Chakraborty I am learning Google Maps in JavaScript. I'm following the tutorial code and so far I have a map with some markers clustered on zoom out. Here is the code - <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.

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username I am using sklearn DBSCAN to cluster data as follows. #Apply DBSCAN (sims == my data as list of lists) db1 = DBSCAN(min_samples=1, metric='precomputed').fit(sims) db1_labels = db1.labels_ db1n_clusters_ = len(set(db1_labels)) - (1 if -1 in db1_labels

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username I am using sklearn DBSCAN to cluster data as follows. #Apply DBSCAN (sims == my data as list of lists) db1 = DBSCAN(min_samples=1, metric='precomputed').fit(sims) db1_labels = db1.labels_ db1n_clusters_ = len(set(db1_labels)) - (1 if -1 in db1_labels

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Sushmit Chakraborty I am learning Google Maps in JavaScript. I'm following the tutorial code and so far I have a map with some markers clustered on zoom out. Here is the code - <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.

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Sushmit Chakraborty I am learning Google Maps in JavaScript. I'm following the tutorial code and so far I have a map with some markers clustered on zoom out. Here is the code - <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.

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